MAJOR DEVELOPMENT: Rabbinical Court (Israel) decrees mRNA jab “Absolutely Forbidden” for children, adolescents, young men & women

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On November 1st, the Rabbinical Court officially decreed that the mRNA COVID shot is “absolutely forbidden” for children, adolescents, young men & women. 

The Rabbinical Court is part of the Israeli legal system and determines laws that reflect the teachings of the Torah. A ruling by the Rabbinical courts is considered God’s law and is strictly followed by the Jewish community. The importance of this decision cannot be understated on its ultimate effect on Jewish children and young adults throughout the world.

“It is absolutely forbidden to administer or even to promote this injection to children, adolescents, young men or women; even if it means that they will not be permitted by the government to attend yeshiva or seminary or to study abroad, etc. It is an explicit obligation to protest against this mandate, and anyone who can prevent the injection from being forced upon our youth must do so, forthrightly and emphatically.”

Further the court forbid pregnant woman and all healthy adults who are of child-bearing age,

“Much harm appears to be caused to pregnant women as a result of the injection (possibly due to the antibodies that the body develops against the protein called Syncytin‐1, or from the SM102, or from the micro blood clots caused by the injection. The common denominator here is that it is harmful for a pregnant woman, and that it may be considered a violation of the prohibition of sterilization or preventing fertility). As such, it is forbidden for them to take this injection. Included in this are all healthy adults who are of child‐bearing age – they too should stay away from the said injection.”

The decision also addressed older adults and that further clarification needs to be made. But they specifically determined that “it is best to err on the side of caution”.

“Therefore – it is best to err on the side of caution and abstain from taking the injection, rather than endangering one’s lifeby performing an action that can engender immediate and direct harm. Especially since there are other medical treatments that work, as mentioned, and that are not harmful.”

The other major part of this decision is in regard to promoting or influencing anyone from straying from this decree. Specifically it states…

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