Bettag, who has been a practicing ENT for 19 years of his career, is, of course, referring to COVID craziness, to schizoid prescriptions that mutate faster than a virus ever could.

In American Thinker, Bettag mentions his shock at the insistence on “15 days to flatten the curve”; he writes that though this was unprecedented, he nonetheless gave the government the benefit of the doubt. Of course, this demand was then followed by, “No, actually, we can’t reopen until there are 14 straight days of declining infections.” This was then declared null and void and became, “No, we can’t return to normal until we have a vaccine.” Now we’re told that even the vaccinated must be masked and, essentially, that Branch COVIDian restrictions are the new normal.

“Then came Fauci,” Bettag writes, before continuing:

He initially said social distancing didn’t work, and masks were largely ineffective. But by late March, he pronounced both masking and social distancing necessary. Weird…red flag. But what really hit me was that he went on to say people should use Tinder and Grindr at their own discretion. What? How do you socially distance that? So now I am alarmed.

(Note: I don’t recall Fauci saying that distancing didn’t work, though he might have. But he certainly considered changing the prescription from six to three feet. And why not? The six-foot notion came from a 19th-century German’s work. Germany today recommends 4.92 feet, and the World Health Organization — of “SARS-CoV-2 can’t be transmitted person-to-person” fame — recommends 39 inches. So take your pick.)

Bettag then goes on to write:

I started researching the utility of masks. There were very good articles I found — one out of a respiratory center in Chicago, and another a good dental review. I bookmarked both of them. Less than a month later, the dental website was down, replaced by a text saying basically that their information is now irrelevant because of COVID. The Chicago article also had a disclaimer that previously wasn’t there saying people shouldn’t use their article politically. What? Don’t use a scientifically-derived article to make a scientifically based decision on the utility of masks? What the hell is going on?

Next comes PCR. Let’s conveniently jack up the cycles to 40+, resulting in a 90–97% false-positive rate, then let’s start testing all elective surgery, asymptomatic exposures, and hospitalized patients. In addition, we will reimburse hospitals greatly for COVID admissions and ICU visits. Oxygen doesn’t work; go home until you get worse. Oh, and bring your family and friends with you; they’ll need testing.

Bettag also makes the following points…

Read full story here: Longtime Physician on COVID Care: “When Did the World Become Insane?” – The New American