Linux Foundation unveils COVID Certificate Network

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Well here you go folks, it’s happening right before our very eyes. World government control of everyone, everywhere. Of course that’s not exactly what they’re saying or calling it… yet! But just beware, its coming if we don’t rise up and put a stop to it!

The Linux Foundation, historically known for its support of openness, freedom, and privacy, has ironically been developing a global COVID-19 vaccine certification system, which is almost ready for deployment.


COVID-19 vaccine certification, aka a vaccine passport, is already being used in many countries and regions, pushing aside the legal, ethical, and privacy concerns.

The Linux Foundation has decided to take the lead to create a system that works across countries and regions. Its public health wing, the Linux Foundation Public Health (LFPH), is ready to deploy the Global COVID Certificate Network (GCCN).

The system is being developed by LFPH, in collaboration with other industry experts, including IBM and Blockchain Labs. GCCN says it solves the problem of the lack of a trustworthy vaccine certification system, that can be used to build certifications that can be easily verified in other countries and regions.

For example, the EU has created a certification architecture to be used by member states. However, their system might be incompatible or fail to recognize certification systems created in non-EU countries.

“For health passes to work globally, helping countries to restart economies and reopen borders, they need to be trusted globally,” said VP of Emerging Business Networks at IBM Watson Health Eric Piscini.

Read full story here: Source: Linux Foundation unveils COVID Certificate Network

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