Lies on the BBC will Result in Children Dying

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As you know, the BBC is the most dishonest, disreputable, unreliable media outlet in the history of the world. It’s ageist, sexist, bigoted, unpatriotic and as bent as a paperclip. Over the last year I have recorded a number of videos detailing their errors and distortions. One BBC presenter has even boasted that the BBC will not tell the truth about vaccines – they deliberately suppress those who do tell the truth about vaccines and vaccination. And they do this even when they know that they are suppressing the truth.

There is no secret about why the BBC is hiding the truth. The BBC has close links to the drug industry, the crooked, corrupt vaccine makers, and is, of course, desperate to keep its licensee fee by sucking up to the Government.

Now it seems that deceiving adults isn’t enough. The BBC is now deliberately lying to children.

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