Liberal Cities Now More Dangerous Than Active War Zones

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Apparently if you live in a liberal city your chances of dying from gun shots is significantly higher than it would be in a third world country with an active war happening.

There is no sign of life getting easier for the residents of Chicago and Philadelphia, which are crime ridden hellholes. Murders, gunshot victims, and general crime are at record highs.

The Post Millennial reports, military-aged males living in Chicago and Philadelphia are more likely to be shot than those deployed to war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to a new study.

According to a study published by the JAMA Network, researchers at Brown University and the University of Pennsylvania found that young, military-aged men from Chicago and Philadelphia with the highest levels of violence were more likely to die from firearms than US military personnel who were deployed during the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.

Brandon Del Pozo tweeted his findings “Military-aged males living in Chicago’s most dangerous zip code faced a risk of firearm-related death over 3x the risk of combat death in Afghanistan, and nearly 4x the risks of Iraq. The death risks were also greater than combat for the 10% most violent zip codes in the city.”

Chicago and Philadelphia have been found to be locations where young men are more likely to be shot dead. However, researchers found that “The most violent areas in New York City and Los Angeles were associated with less risk for young adult males than these theaters of war” in a study of 129,826 young adult men living in Chicago, Philadelphia, New York City, and Los Angeles in 2020 and 2021..”

Lori Lightfoot has been put on blast for her crime ridden city.

Fox news reports, Katie Pavlich slammed Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s decision to block reporters from monitoring police scanners, saying it affects their coverage of local crime and could be dangerous.

In mid-December, Lightfoot announced the city would use an encrypted radio frequency.


So not only are active war zones safer for the residents of Chicago and Philly, but Chicago’s mayor Lightfoot is actively making it harder for news outlets and other concerned citizens to even hear what is happening over the radio waves. All of this is an active effort to cover up just how bad the crime really is. Lightfoot is on the ballot this spring for re-election as Chicago’s mayor and it is unclear as to whether or not she will win that spot again. If she does win re-election it will just prove that the people of Chicago buy into media narratives, and ignore all of the things around them that happen on a daily basis.

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Source: Liberal Cities Now More Dangerous Than Active War Zones

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