Leilani Dowding Explains Why “Net Zero Is a Complete and Utter Scam”

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Podcast host and political commentator Leilani Dowding joined author Mark Steyn on his show ‘Steyn Online’ earlier this week to discuss the “Net Zero” “scam.”

Steyn began the show by noting that Orwell would not have “foreseen” how the current climate propaganda being pushed on the masses has become an inflated version of ‘1984,’ adding that children snitching on their parents for having “ideologically impermissible thoughts” has now taken the form of children policing their own parents for not adhering to “saving the planet.”

As Steyn noted, the reality is much creepier, which Dowding agrees with.

“We have to look where this all stems from,” Dowding began.

“I’m a huge animal lover and an environmentalist. But this whole ‘net zero’ thing is a complete and utter scam.”

“I watched David Attenborough’s show six years ago about Whaluruses falling cliffs, crying my eyes out, which was blamed on climate change.”

“Then I found out it was a complete and utter lie. It’s been happening for decades that Whaluruses tend to fall off cliffs, especially in scenarios when, for example, they are cornered by polar bears. Something they failed to mention in the documentary,” Dowding added.

“The thing is with David Attenborough; he isn’t actually a scientist like David Bellamy was.”


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