Legal probe begins into “secretive” EU covid jab purchase scheme that looks like pure corruption and fraud

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The European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) has launched a probe into the European Union’s (EU) “secretive” and illicit purchase of billions of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”

Just two weeks after Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla skipped out on a scheduled EU hearing about his alleged collusion with European Commission President Ursula “missing texts” von der Leyen on the matter, the EPPO announced that a full investigation will now ensue to get to the bottom of what happened.

The independent EU body is responsible for investigating and prosecuting financial crimes, including fraud, money laundering and corruption – all things that we know Bourla, von der Leyen, and many others are likely guilty of doing.

Though the EPPO has yet to specify precisely who is being investigated or which government contracts are the subject of inquiry, it would make sense that Bourla and von der Leyen are at least two of the culprits.

At least two other watchdog groups drew attention to these two suspected career criminals, prompting the EPPO to issue the following statement:

“This exceptional confirmation comes after the extremely high public interest. No further details will be made public at this stage.” (Related: After just a few months, the “fully vaccinated” are developing autoimmune disease.)

Bourla and von der Leyen texted each other about bilking Europeans out of BILLIONS

Many now refer to von der Leyen as the “missing texts” woman because in early 2021, The New York Times reported that she and Bourla had texted each other about a contract for 1.8 billion doses of Pfizer and BioNTech’s mRNA (messenger RNA) jabs.

The deal was worth upwards of €35 billion if executed, the Times reported, citing leaked jab prices. This was all happening right as Donald Trump was launching Operation Warp Speed, which is perhaps the biggest pharmaceutical and vaccine industry grift ever perpetrated on the world.

The EU’s ombudsman charged the Commission with maladministration because it failed to ever look into these texts in response to a freedom of information request. The Commission responded that the messages are “short-lived, ephemeral documents” that “are not kept” – so it was case closed.

A search for the texts, the Commission further claimed, supposedly yielded no results anyway. So where did they go, von der Leyen? How about you, Bourla? Do you know where your text exchange with von der Leyen went?

At no point did the Commission ever provide even a modicum of transparency about the matter, which led many to believe that it is fully compromised. Bourla, von der Leyen, and potentially others seem to have gotten away with their little financial heist – or have they?

The matter has not been settled by any means, and this new investigation could eventually get to the bottom of all this – or at least show that a cover-up took place, incriminating Bourla and von der Leyen as culprits in illegal activity.

Belgian Socialist MEP Kathleen van Brempt has said that “several aspects” of Pfizer’s contract with the EU need to be immediately and fully investigated, including “the text messages between the Commission President and the fact that there is no paper trail of the preliminary negotiations in first instance.”

“We need to know why the biggest contract is the least transparent,” Brempt tweeted. “We need to understand why the EU is obliged to buy 1.8 billion Pfizer / BioNTech vaccines, regardless of the needs, regardless of whether new and better players have entered the market.”

“Many EU contracts reserved a ‘right’ to buy but with the Pfizer contract we do have an ‘obligation’ to buy. Why did we deviate from the normal procedure for a contract that covers our needs many times, for a period where all would already be vaccinated (2022 and 2023).”

As the death toll from covid injections increases, we will keep you informed of the latest at

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*Source: Legal probe begins into “secretive” EU covid jab purchase scheme that looks like pure corruption and fraud –

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