Left Wing Funded Climate Change Propaganda, Swiftly Debunked!

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It’s no secret that the left has been pushing a climate change agenda for quite some time now. It’s also no secret that this oftentime heavily funded “agenda” of theirs is based on cherry-picked “evidence”, biased sources, and manipulated facts. Unfortunately, leftists have gone so far as to use some of these flaws to try and silence the voices of those who disagree with them. Their claims have now been challenged and it’s not looking good for their precious propaganda.

Wednesday marked a significant milestone in the story of climate change coverage. A new report released by several non-profit groups concluded that the dire predictions by mainstream media publications surrounding the issue had been overstated, if not exaggerated. This year alone, millions of dollars had been allotted to promote and finance these forecasts, clouding the truth regarding climate related issues. The findings of the report make it clear that although risks associated with global warming are still present, there are other factors at play as well. Let’s debunk these lies.

Daily Wire reports, Five non-profit groups released a report Wednesday debunking mainstream media claims about climate crisis impacts, which was funded by millions of dollars.

According to the “Climate Fact Check 2022” report created by CEI, Heartland Institute, Energy & Environment Legal Institute, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), and International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC), ten fact checks were conducted on climate disaster claims from media outlets such as The Associated Press, which received $8 million in donations from left-wing philanthropic groups.

The report reads, “Climate alarmists and their media allies once again made a slew of claims about natural disasters being caused by manmade emissions in 2022. And once again, these claims clashed with reality and science.”

The Associated Press received donations from foundations pushing climate alarmism for decades. Among them were the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Quadrivium, and the Rockefeller Foundation.

Seth Borenstein wrote in an article called “New abnormal: Climate disaster damage has declined to $268 billion.” “Human-caused climate change has turbocharged worldwide natural disasters, such as flooding in Pakistan, Hurricane Ian, and droughts stretching from Europe to China.”

Climate Fact Check reported and debunked that stating, the Pakistan floods and the wettest monsoon season since 1961 are within natural variability.

The Associated Press did admit in a report published earlier this year that their news organization received $8 million over three years from various groups, leading to the media group employing more than 24 journalists across the globe to cover “climate issues.”

So refreshing to see the real truth behind all these fake news reports. At least they don’t believe this rubbish, they just act like they care for the morey.

Fox News reported that AP News Vice President Brian Carovillano only accepts donations “without strings attached,” stating that the news media does not report stories influenced by donations.

The fact that many news outlets have admitted to taking payments to report on specific topics confirms what many people have suspected for a long time – that there is an abyss of fake news operating out there. Referencing these topics as ‘news’ is nothing more than propaganda, and it goes against the democratic principles of people having access to free and unbiased information. If a handful of trusted outlets can be so easily bought off, the credibility of all such sources is brought into question. It is still unclear what will happen in terms of putting an end to this kind of activity, but with several outlets coming forward and admitting the truth, will this open the door for additional steps to be taken and proper regulation put into place?


Source: Left Wing Funded Climate Change Propaganda, Swiftly Debunked!

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