Keep the Republic: EcoHealth whistleblower has evidence to prove coronavirus was created in Wuhan lab, says Thomas Renz

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Attorney Thomas Renz is representing a whistleblower who has come forward with evidence proving that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) was created in a lab in China.

The whistleblower in question is Dr. Andrew Huff, a veteran who has a PhD in environmental epidemiology and a master’s degree in security technology. Huff has done a lot of important work at government-backed laboratories, including the Sandia National Laboratories, a laboratory focused on developing, engineering and testing the non-nuclear components of America’s nuclear arsenal.

Perhaps just as important to note is the fact that Huff used to work for EcoHealth Alliance as one of the organization’s vice presidents. Huff said EcoHealth helped develop SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic. (Related: Pentagon whistleblower says release of evidence proving lab origins of COVID-19 imminent.)

“He worked at EcoHealth Alliance for a few years, and during the time that he worked there, they created SARS-CoV-2 [in a] lab in Wuhan, China,” said Renz during an interview with Dr. Daniel Bobinski on the latter’s Brighteon.TV program “Keep the Republic.”

Renz noted that Huff has attested to his work in Wuhan under penalty of perjury. “We have a declaration,” he said. “And we’re gonna be filing a lawsuit on it.”

EcoHealth and Fauci helped create coronavirus

According to Huff’s sworn declaration, the process of developing SARS-CoV-2 was described in detail in a proposal submitted to five institutions: the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the University of North Carolina and EcoHealth Alliance.

Ultimately, after reviewing the proposal for the creation of the coronavirus, the five institutions that received the proposal funded and helped create it in other ways.

“Anthony Fauci funded the creation of SARS-CoV-2 and lied to Congress about funding gain-of-function work,” wrote Renz in a summary of Huff’s sworn testimony. “Anthony Fauci and others coordinated to cover up the funding of the gain-of-function work that resulted in SARS-CoV-2.”

Along with the lawsuit, Renz also plans to release Huff’s sworn testimony and other supporting documents to the public by providing Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky and others who recognize Fauci’s complicity in the origin of the coronavirus their own copies.

Renz noted that all of Huff’s claims can be supported by publicly available documents and that he and his team have verified the authenticity of every single point in Huff’s sworn testimony.

Even without Huff’s testimony, Renz pointed out that there is a treasure trove of evidence that already proves the coronavirus was created in a lab in Wuhan. He said not a lot of people may know about this because the documents that can prove this are very complicated and “not soundbite friendly.”

For more on the truth behind COVID-19, visit

Watch this Sept. 22 episode of “Keep the Republic” with Dr. Daniel Bobinski as he interviews Attorney Thomas Renz about whistleblower Andrew Huff’s revelations.

“Keep the Republic” with Dr. Daniel Bobinski airs every Thursday at 4-5 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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*Source: Keep the Republic: EcoHealth whistleblower has evidence to prove coronavirus was created in Wuhan lab, says Thomas Renz – Brighteon.TV –

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