Just Like The French Monarchy, The Political Establishment Is Only Trying To Save It’s Own Skin

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Article Source: Just Like The French Monarchy, The Political Establishment Is Only Trying To Save It’s Own Skin

What do Schumer, Pelosi, Loeffler, and McConnel all have in common?

They all play for the same team.

More and more Americans have been waking up to this. The whole reason 80 million Americans support President Trump, is because of his stance against the establishment/deep state.

Let me also extend an olive branch to the rare leftist that might be reading this: most of you despise the establishment just as much as we do…..that’s why so many of you supported Sanders.

I don’t agree with it, I think more government = more problems, but hey the point still stands, most Americans no longer trust the government. We as a people do not support the establishment.

The fat cats in government, the career politicians, the rinos, the deep state actors, the useless bureaucrats and their paid lackeys in the mainstream media are all echoing the same thing:

The bleeding-heart cry over the ‘assault’ on the nation’s capital.

First of all, there was no ‘assault’ ; most of the protestors in the capital were peaceful. There were a few bad actors, but guess what? Every mass of people is going to have a few bad apples.

Second, what the hell did these people expect to happen? 80 million Americans (or more) have legitimate concerns over the election, and the establishment refuses to hear the claims.

There is AMPLE evidence for widespread election fraud, people just want the evidence reviewed.

The vast majority of career politicians want one thing, and one thing only: to save their own skins from the growing anger of The American people.

Check out these reports:

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