Oh Such Love and Tolerance Coming from the Loony Left Liberals

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Article Source: Journalist: ‘I Want To Find An Antimasker And Beat Them To Death’; ‘You F***ing Christians’ Are What ‘Jesus Condemns’ | The Daily Wire

Journalist: ‘I Want To Find An Antimasker And Beat Them To Death’; ‘You F***ing Christians’ Are What ‘Jesus Condemns’

“You F***ING ‘Christians’ who preen about God saving you from COVID so you dont need masks. You’re what Jesus condemns … you’ll burn in hell.”


On New Year’s Eve, left-wing journalist and New York Times bestselling author Kurt Eichenwald wished “pain & misery” on Republicans and said that he wants to find an “antimasker” and “beat them to death.” During the volatile rant, Eichenwald also scolded alleged “anti-mask” “F***ING ‘Christians’ who preen about God saving [them] from COVID,” claiming they are who “Jesus condemns.”

“I have so much hate in my heart tonight. My sister, widowed by COVID, has Covid because of antimaskers,” he wrote on Thursday. “About 4,000 died today; GOP says nothing. [Republican Sen. Josh Hawley] & his ilk are working to harm America. I wish them & their loved ones all the pain & misery they inflicted on this country.”

Read the full story here

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