JOIN US: WORLDWIDE WALKOUT NOV. 3, 2021 – Demand a return to freedom and democratic principles!

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Now is the time to join Children’s Health Defense (CHD) for ‘Worldwide Walkout!’ on Nov. 3 to demand a return to freedom and democratic principles. People around the globe are protesting the loss of liberty, illegal mandates and tyrannical government overreach.

Share this video message from the Chairman of Children’s Health Defense, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to encourage everyone you know to participate.


Children’s Health Defense Joins Citizens on November 3 to Kick Off Worldwide Walkouts to Demand a Return to Freedom and Democratic Principles

People around the globe are protesting loss of liberty, illegal mandates and tyrannical government overreach

Washington, DC – On November 3rd, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) will join organizations and individuals by kicking off a worldwide “walk out” of work by calling in sick or taking a personal day to gather in protest of the unprecedented loss of freedom that has occurred the world over since the COVID pandemic began. Parents will also be pulling their children out of school for the day to protest the many restraints that have applied directly to children.

“No government in history has ever surrendered power in the absence of a demand,” said Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., CHD Board Chair and Lead Counsel. “We need to tell these governments and their friends in the technocracy, the Silicon Valley billionaire boys club, the mainstream media, and the pharmaceutical industry that we will no longer tolerate their trampling of citizens’ rights.”

Read full story here:

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