JCVI locks down as CCVAG rings alarm bell on covid vaccinations

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A panel of British professors, doctors and medical experts from the Children’s Covid Vaccine Advisory Group (CCVAG) has presented new evidence about the unfavorable risk-benefit balance of the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine for children.
At the official launch of the CCVAG at an event in London, the panel revealed:

  • An unexplained rise in deaths of teenage boys correlating with Pfizer vaccine roll-out.
  • Risk-benefit of Pfizer vaccination is many times worse for children.
  • Vaccinating the youth increases chances of vaccine-resistant variants, increasing the risk for elderly and vulnerable.

The evidence was presented at 4pm yesterday, after the JCVI refused to accept delivery from CCVAG chair Dr Ros Jones of the new evidence, compiled from official sources in the UK and internationally.

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Health Security Agency locks down

Just prior to the press conference, four members of the Children’s Covid Vaccine Advisory Group (CCVAG) visited the UKHSA headquarters of the JCVI in London, pre-agreed the day before by the UKHSA, to hand-deliver a letter written by 92 doctors, professors and scientists and co-signed by more than 700 healthcare professionals.

On arrival at the main entrance, the building that also houses the UK’s Health Security Agency, went into lockdown and the four doctors were denied access to the main reception for 40 minutes, along with all other visitors to the public building that spans 22 London postal addresses.

The letter was subsequently handed over to a security manager in the street outside the UKHSA by an intermediary.

The letter calls for a pause to the roll-out for children and an urgent investigation into new, concerning safety signals.

Dr Ros Jones, retired Consultant Paediatrician, said, “When assessing whether to give any medical intervention to children, it’s crucial to ensure that the benefit to the recipient clearly outweighs the risks. In this case, the latest evidence strongly suggests the risks for children may be greater than any possible benefit. On top of this, we do not yet know the long-term implications of the covid vaccinations for children’s immune function or their overall health.”

Professor David Livermore, Professor of Medical Microbiology at East Anglia University, said, “Having worked as Director of Antibiotic Resistance Monitoring for Public Health England for many years, the parallels with antibiotic resistance are clear. Using antibiotics when they are not needed increases the risk of antibiotic resistant strains spreading, for it gives them an advantage. The same risk applies with viruses and antibodies.

“Most of the young have been infected now. That is the best route to robust, lasting immunity for children, who have minimal risk of severe COVID. Vaccines give briefer, narrower, protection and are tailored to the Wuhan strain; they are leaky against omicron already. Using them where they aren’t needed is just encouraging the virus to evolve further, and unpredictably.”

Professor Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St George’s, University of London, said, “Whilst the vaccination for the initial variants clearly helped older and at risk patients, it is clear that young people have very effective T-cell responses (which wane in older patients), but which are very effective in protecting young people and children with the Omicron variant, giving minimum disease and very good immunity. The immunity is not only superior to any of the vaccines (with the majority of young people already exposed to natural infection) but there is clear evidence that vaccines in young adults and children are causing significant side effects with myocarditis occurring many more times than natural infection. It cannot therefore be justified to expose them to a vaccine that clearly gives unacceptable side effects in the short run and could be associated with significant long term harm.”

Dr Clare Craig, Diagnostic Pathologist said, “when there is no benefit to the children being vaccinated it is important to thoroughly investigate any signals of harm. There is a concerning signal of raised non-covid mortality in young men, of unknown cause, which needs investigating. Our experience of harm from Pandemrix vaccine after swine flu in 2009 should teach us that evidence of harm can take years to accumulate and apparently minor signals should not be ignored.”

Dr Elizabeth Evans, Director of the UK Medical Freedom Alliance discussed the ethics of giving Covid vaccines to children and highlighted the importance of the Hippocratic Oath to “First do no harm”.  She said,

 “The possibility of detrimental health effects coming to light after a few years is plausible and this is why the vaccine manufacturers requested – and were – granted full immunity from future side-effects.

“If this risk is significant enough for the manufacturers to be unwilling to accept economic risk, then we cannot allow our children to take the same health risk with their long-term health, especially when, for children, the benefits of doing so appear to be highly speculative.”

About the CCVAG

The Children’s Covid Vaccine Advisory Group is a panel of British scientists, doctors and medical experts, including several of the country’s leading professors in medicine, microbiology and risk, as well as specialists in public health, emergency medicine, paediatrics, infectious disease and primary care.

Source: JCVI locks down as CCVAG rings alarm bell on covid vaccinations

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