Ivermectin: The Holy Grail of Cancer Cures?

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They say the Holy Grail of modern medicine is finding a cure for cancer. Based on the raft of studies now coming forward, the re-purposed, proven safe drug, Ivermectin, must be a candidate. We look at the reasons why.

It is no exaggeration to state that, “To find a cure for cancer, the modern-day plague of our society – is synonymous to finding the holy grail of science,” according to many experts.

At Principia Scientific International (PSI) we are advancing on many fronts in the uncovering of scientific and medical truths that the ‘powers that be’ would rather you did not know.  One area where we are especially focused has been the lies and misinformation fed to the public during the COVID19 pandemic.

We have also posted articles from well-qualified scientists and doctors who show evidence that these COVID ‘vaccines’ contain toxic ingredients which may be carcinogenic.

But it is not all doom and gloom; hope for cancer sufferers may be knocking on the door.

We always say to our readers: ‘trust no one.’ Always do your own research. Our no nonsense approach has seen our monthly readership boom and our page views are touching 12 million, reflecting growing public concern about mainstream lies and misinformation.

For example, go to Google Scholar and go to PubMed, the US Government’s repository of published scientific studies, and search for ‘Ivermectin and cancer.’

There you will see many papers on this subject offering evidence of the effectiveness of this cheap, re-purposed anti-parasitic drug.  These studies also include trials on humans.

At this early stage, the trials that have been performed are suggesting that both breast and ovarian cancers are the most receptive to treatment by Ivermectin, while prostate cancer appears to be the most resistant to the drug.

Many independent experts are concurring with our assessment. For example, Dr. Jane Ruby is a medical professional and a pharmaceutical drug development expert with over 20 years of experience in regulatory processes for drug approval with the FDA and the EMA.

In her youtube video (below), Dr. Ruby, explores the evidence coming forward about the effects of Ivermectin on cancers of all types. She suggests this advance in the science has been deliberately blocked by governments and corrupted elected officials in the service of Big Pharma. The drug companies are all about making sustained profits and there’s serious money to be made from expensive lifelong treatments as opposed to quick, cheap cures from repurposed (off patent) medicines.

Dr Ruby urges viewers and researchers to visit https://clinicaltrials.gov/  the US Government’s repository for ongoing or planned clinical trials to monitor what is currently ongoing on human trials of Ivermectin and what new trials are planned.  These outcomes will be critical in shaping our understanding of just how effective Ivermectin will be.

However, Dr Ruby cautions that,

“This is all preliminary, we don’t yet know if all the data will establish that. But we know in the trials already done that Ivermectin reduced both tumor size and weight. “

To assist understanding, visit Cancer Chemotherapy Pharmacology, June 2020 85(6), pages 1153-1163. This study was published May 30, 2020, and titled, ‘Antitumor effects of ivermectin at clinically feasible concentrations support its clinical development as a repositioned cancer drug.’ It tells us:

“Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug that exhibits antitumor effects in preclinical studies, and as such is currently being repositioned for cancer treatment. However, divergences exist regarding its employed doses in preclinical works. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine whether the antitumor effects of ivermectin are observable at clinically feasible drug concentrations.”

In the ‘Results’ section we learn that:

“The breast MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-468, and MCF-7, and the ovarian SKOV-3, were the most sensitive cancer cell lines to ivermectin…. Finally, in tumor-bearing mice ivermectin successfully reduced both tumor size and weight. Conclusion: Our results on the antitumor effects of ivermectin support its clinical testing.”  [1]

Another paper from PubMed [2] informs us:

“Ivermectin has powerful antitumor effects, including the inhibition of proliferation, metastasis, and angiogenic activity, in a variety of cancer cells. This may be related to the regulation of multiple signaling pathways by ivermectin through PAK1 kinase. On the other hand, ivermectin promotes programmed cancer cell death, including apoptosis, autophagy and pyroptosis. Ivermectin induces apoptosis and autophagy is mutually regulated. Interestingly, ivermectin can also inhibit tumor stem cells and reverse multidrug resistance and exerts the optimal effect when used in combination with other chemotherapy drugs.”

I am not a qualified medical practitioner, just a seasoned science writer and researcher. But if struck with cancer, this would be worth showing to my doctor to verify it is an approved safe drug – with little to no side effects – before giving it a go. What is there to lose?


See full story here: Ivermectin: The Holy Grail of Cancer Cures? | Principia Scientific Intl.

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