IT’S OFFICIAL: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will run as a Democrat in 2024 against Biden

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Just as he suggested he might do, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) chairman and founder Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will run for president in 2024 as a Democrat challenger to fake president Joe Biden.

Paperwork filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) this week shows that the son of late former U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of the late former President John F. Kennedy is joining spiritual advisor and author Marianne Williamson as the second Democrat to seek the party’s nomination instead of Biden in the next presidential election.

A former environmental lawyer who has long described himself as a “lifelong Democrat,” Kennedy stands to be a viable contender against Biden, who is wildly unpopular and hated by not just Republicans but also many Democrats.

Kennedy made a name for himself throughout the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “pandemic” by vocally opposing the so-called “vaccines” that were unleashed via Operation Warp Speed. Kennedy is also a health freedom fighter with an extensive track record of support for individual liberty.

A vote for Kennedy is a vote for health freedom

At an event last month that was put on by the New Hampshire Institute of Politics, Kennedy made a preliminary announcement that he was “thinking about” running for president against Biden.

“I’ve passed the biggest hurdle, which is my wife has green-lighted it,” Kennedy joked before an eager crowd of supporters.

At this event, Kennedy blasted the Biden regime and the Democratic National Committee for changing the order of the presidential primary. Instead of being first in line, New Hampshire will now vote second in the DNC’s calendar three days after South Carolina, which is now in the number-one voting slot.

Ahead of the DNC’s final approval of this altered schedule, Kennedy wrote an open letter to the committee urging its members to keep New Hampshire in the first slot because of the state’s extensive and noteworthy history of advocating for civil rights and election transparency.

The DNC’s argument is that the nominating calendar must be altered to reflect the changing “diversity” of the Democrat Party, but Kennedy says that New Hampshire is already a reflection of that.

New Hampshire’s “four electoral votes could decide the 2024 election,” Kennedy stated about the swing state. “Most importantly, New Hampshire runs the most secure and transparent election in America. It should be a model for our country at a time when we need it most.”

It remains unclear as to whether or not Biden will even run again in 2024. The White House has repeatedly said that Biden fully intends to run for a second term, but anything could happen between now and then to change that.

Kennedy’s decision to run represents the third time that someone from the Kennedy family has run for public office in the United States.

Kennedy has long been the head of Riverkeeper, a prominent environmental non-profit group that reflects his honest and sincere support for reasonable conservation and environmental preservation efforts.

“Kennedy is Fauci’s biggest and most effective critic,” wrote one voter about why he supports Kennedy for president – “probably the only Democrat whom I respect.”

“All the outlets tried to suppress his book ‘The Real Anthony Fauci,’ but it still became a bestseller. A smart, bold man. Biden would be no match for him in a debate.”

Another wrote that if elected, Kennedy will likely push for a full accounting of Nov. 22, 1963 (the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated), and June 5, 1968 (the day Sen. Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated).


**Source: IT’S OFFICIAL: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will run as a Democrat in 2024 against Biden –

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