It’s all a scam: ‘Green’ investors pay corrupt corporate media to promote ‘climate change’ lie

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Suppose you’ve ever wondered why the mainstream media appears to be all in with promoting climate change. In that case, part of the reason is that most people in the media are far-left sycophants, and they are all in with the authoritarianism that climate change policies usher in.

But there is a financial aspect to their allegiance as well, according to a new investigative report.

The Associated Press, one of the largest and most widely published newswire services on the planet, admitted last year that it had managed to secure $8 million to promote climate change-related stories and content. “This far-reaching initiative will transform how we cover the climate story,” the newswire’s executive editor crowed at the time.

There’s no doubt that has been the case, writes Daniel Greenfield for Frontpage Magazine:

The philanthropic quid-pro-quo saw five organizations fund the AP’s dedicated team of “more than two dozen journalists” to cover “climate issues” that the wire service would then plant in papers around the country to terrify Americans into supporting ‘green’ taxes and subsidies. The Associated Press did not bother to explain to its readers or the newspapers that run its stories why these organizations were impelled to throw millions at it except sheer benevolence.

Nor did it explain why they might be particularly interested in convincing Americans that the climate sky is falling and that our economy must be dismantled and ‘greened’: raising energy prices and putting millions out of work.

One of those five organizations, Quadrivium, was created by James Murdoch and his wife, who left the Murdoch (of Fox and Fox News origins) family over disagreements with conservative news coverage. The organization says it hopes to reach “a majority of the public” in order to generate “urgent action” on the “bipartisan passage of a US climate strategy.”

The idea being pushed is called the “carbon rebate plan,” and it involves taxing Americans via their carbon emissions with the promise of repaying some of the money back to them. It comes from an organization called the Climate Leadership Council, whose board includes James’ wife, Kathryn Murdoch. The group’s partners include major banks like JP Morgan, Santander, and Goldman Sachs, as well as energy companies BP, Shell, and Conoco, the latter of whom believe, for some reason, that they’ll be spared from bankruptcy if they go along with the lunacy.

Media organizations like the AP begin to play their role with climate change propaganda pieces like “Carbon tax plan worthy of bipartisan support.” The newswire’s editorial board described the CLC as a “group of venerable Republicans” while laughably claiming that taxing Americans for the benefit of special climate interests is “a quintessentially conservative plan”  — though conservatives and Republicans, in general, push for tax cuts and minimum government in everyone’s lives.

“Serious journalism would ask questions or at least mention some of this in passing. The AP instead acts as a mouthpiece without even enough lingering self-respect to disclose any of that,” Greenfield writes.

As for the Murdochs, they have invested in several projects that include pushing leftist climate policies, all of which empower government and companies over hapless consumers who are expected to simply go along with the scheme. Most of the ‘convincing’ revolves around scaring people to death with false claims of how cattle flatulence and SUVs have put the earth on a short-term timetable to destruction. And, of course, every warning becomes more dire.

But the AP doesn’t mention any of this, as Greenfield notes.

“The AP is taking money from organizations heavily leveraged in green investments to promote the need for green investments. And it fails to disclose the financial interests that its funders have in promoting global warming hysteria,” he writes, adding: “The next time you see an AP story about ‘climate change,’ you know who’s paying for it.”


Source: It’s all a scam: ‘Green’ investors pay corrupt corporate media to promote ‘climate change’ lie –

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