It Is NOT Misinformation That Is Creating Vaccine Hesitancy, It Is Actually Accurate Information!

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Democrats and the media have pushed a narrative of blaming vaccine hesitancy on Republicans, specifically Trump supporters.


Why is it hard for educated leaders in this country to accept the question, “Why would anyone who had the disease get a shot of a vaccine still under “emergency” release?”

Why would any competent medical official push the immune to get the jab? Why would universities, allegedly full of smart people, mandate shots for ALL incoming students, whether or not they have natural immunity?

Here’s one. Why would anyone who does NOT restrict their news intake to Big Media have confidence in anything this federal government says?

Rochelle P. Walensky, MD, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the ninth Administrator of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, has publicly blamed many COVID problems on racism. Dr. Fauci, the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and White House chief medical adviser, has been shown by released emails that he is not only a liar but also participated in a cover-up of his approval of US taxpayer funding of weaponization of corona viruses at the CCP Wuhan Lab.

Further, Fauci MAY have orchestrated that cover-up.

With all that said, let’s add all this up. We have a woke CDC, a possibly incompetent lying chief medical advisor, along with an administration controlled by radical leftists. We know that the DOJ and FBI are corrupt given their persecution of honorable men like Rudy Giuliani, General Michael Flynn, and Dinesh D’Souza.

Most Americans will tell you that we have a president with dementia with a proven record of lying and corruption. It seems our media apparatchik is always looking for a way to paint the “Trumpers” as a bunch of lunatics on the fringe of society.

These media mercenaries pick a narrative and distribute it to their partners in propaganda, and they…

Read the full story here: It Is NOT Misinformation That Is Creating Vaccine Hesitancy, It Is Actually Accurate Information!

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