Israel’s Supreme Court Chaos: An Issue US Christians Should Care About?

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Rabbi Tuly Weisz, founder of Israel365, believes American Christians should care deeply about the judicial reform policies under consideration right now in Israel following Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s re-election.

“Not only did he get a strong showing, but it was the most right-wing coalition that Israel has ever had,” he said, describing it as both conservative and religious. “As a result, the media, which is super left-wing, is coming down hard against Netanyahu.”

Weisz said the issue of judicial reform is being used as an “excuse” to go after Netanyahu and his government. He called Israel’s Supreme Court the “last bastion of liberal holdouts” in a nation that’s becoming more conservative, proceeding to explain what the judicial reform proposal entails.

“The judicial reform issue is basically something that Netanyahu campaigned upon, meaning that the people who elected him want to reform the judiciary,” he said. “In Israel, you have a very strange situation where the Supreme Court is extremely left-wing and has … their own very strange rules.”

Watch Weisz explain the Supreme Court scenario and why he believes reform is critical:

The court is not elected by the legislature, with justices appointing themselves “over and over again,” according to Weisz. And with no official codified and written constitution in Israel, he argued these justices can…

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