Israeli Government Has Been Covering Up Long-Lasting Harmful Effects of Covid Injections for Longer than Previously Thought

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A month ago, Steve Kirsch wrote a long article about the medical corruption in Israel that was first exposed by an intrepid Israeli journalist Yaffa Shir-Raz. One of the subjects of his article was a leaked video of a meeting held in June 2022.

It turns out the Israeli government never had a vaccine safety monitoring system in place when they launched the Covid “vaccines” in December 2020. A year later, in December of 2021, they decided to fix that and launched a new surveillance system. The Israeli Ministry of Health (“MoH”) then commissioned researchers to analyse adverse event reports submitted by Israelis.  The researchers presented findings from the new surveillance system in an internal meeting, a video of which was obtained by Shir-Raz who publicly released clips from the meeting.

Shir-Raz was fired from her job last year for writing articles critical of the MoH’s handling of the lockdown and Covid-19 death statistics.

After reviewing the leaked recordings alongside published documents, amongst others, Kirsch noted:

  1. The Israeli Ministry of Health didn’t seriously track any safety data for a year after vaccination.
  2. When a group of scientists hired by the Ministry of Health (“MoH”) found the vaccines were not nearly as safe as what they were telling people, they completely covered up the report.
  3. Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis misrepresented to the US Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) that they were on top of things. It was a mess in reality.
  4. The corporate media participated in the coverup by not reporting the existence of a video of a meeting between the scientists and the Israeli MoH that was leaked to the press.
  5. To date, nobody in Israel has called for an investigation.

“At the time I wrote the article, I thought that the Ministry of Health learned about the safety data being problematic in early June 2022. It turns out I was wrong. They learned about it in March 2022, 3 months earlier than I thought. I regret the error,” Kirsch wrote in a subsequent article.

“In this video, the safety researchers ask the MoH people why they had not published it yet. The reply from the MoH: they have a manpower/budget issue. That makes sense. They spent all the money promoting the vaccines. Now they have no money left to let people know they messed up.”

However, as far back as September 2021, Dr. Alroy-Preis’ claimed her department was carefully and effectively monitoring safety signals in Israel but this was challenged during a meeting of the FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee held in September 2021.  Below is an edited video clip taken from this FDA meeting where Israeli scientists spoke about the adverse effects resulting from Covid injections, from an Israeli perspective and in the context of booster doses.

Professor Retsef Levi, professor of operations management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said: “Please understand that the adverse events surveillance system in Israel is truly dysfunctional, particularly around the booster deployment. I know from personal experience that the Ministry of Health in Israel does not address appropriately major concerning safety signals.”

Later in the session, Dr. Alroy-Preis said: “I have to say that I was pretty surprised with Retsef Levi’s comment that Israel doesn’t follow adverse events. It’s our data, I’m in charge of it, so I know…

Read full story here: Israeli Government Has Been Covering Up Long-Lasting Harmful Effects of Covid Injections for Longer than Previously Thought – The Expose

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