Is Anyone Really Surprised By Pfizer’s Actions?

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There are multi-billion dollar battles going on right now regarding the royalty payments for the COVID-19 mRNA nanotechnology patents. There are literally 32 patents that are being utilized as part of the global COVID-19 mRNA nanoparticle technology injection program.

The only reason why companies, governments, and individuals file patents is because they expect to get a payout some day. And in the case of the COVID-19 mRNA nanotechnology patents, the payouts should be HUGE (except no one seems to be honoring their agreements).

If one company received the royalty payouts on the global sales of Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA technologies alone, the company would likely be listed as a Fortune 500 company, except Pfizer isn’t paying anyone anytime soon.

Meanwhile, in the Senate, Senator Rand Paul continues to clash with Tony Fauci to find out where Fauci and other government employees are receiving their royalty payments from and if anyone on the COVID-19 vaccine committees is getting royalty payments.

In a September 2022 interrogation, Fauci responded to Rand Paul’s line of questioning with the attitude of a mafia mobster saying, “We don’t have to tell you!”


And in true District Attorney Harvey Dent style, Senator Rand Paul threateningly responded;
Here is some good news for Senator Rand Paul, the Senate doesn’t have to hold an investigation or committee because the NIH/CDC/FDA/and Big Pharma/BioTech royalty agreements are publicly available for publicly traded companies.

It’s a good thing I have copy of one of the agreements to review.


Source: Is Anyone Really Surprised By Pfizer’s Actions?

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