Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the “Unvaccinated”

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by Brian Shilhavy – tor, Health Impact News

The official government narrative that the U.S. is facing a new “pandemic of the unvaccinated” continued this week, as the corporate media, the White House, and state governors all continued to blame the “unvaccinated” for rising cases of COVID-19 and the “delta” variant.

Of course the mythical “delta variant” is simply a computer model used to label people through fraudulent diagnostic testing, as we have previously covered. See:

Dr. David Martin: There is no “Delta” Variant – “Novel” Coronavirus Known as COVID-19 Was Patented 2 Decades Ago

Steve Watson of Summit News reports:

Unvaccinated Americans were the talking point of the day on Monday with a slew of figures slamming those who have chosen not to take the coronavirus jabs, assigning blame to them for America ‘going backwards’, likening them to murderers, and suggesting that they are to blame for more deadly variants of the virus emerging.

First up, the White House with Press Secretary Jen Psaki claiming that America is in reverse because “there are still a large population of people in this country who are unvaccinated – and we have the most transmissible variant that we’ve seen since the beginning of the pandemic that more people are getting sick with Covid.”

Next up was Fauci, who appeared on his favourite softball network MSNBC to announce that unvaccinated Americans will be to blame for the next deadly variant.

CNN’s Lemon Don declared that the unvaccinated should be prevented from having normal lives.

“Don’t get the vaccine. You can’t go to the supermarket. Don’t have the vaccine, can’t go to the ball game. Don’t have a vaccine, can’t go to work. You don’t have a vaccine, can’t come here. No shirt, no shoes, no service. I think that’s where we should be because we can’t to waste our breath on people that are just not going to change,” Lemon decreed, with Chris Cuomo (imagine my shock) wholeheartedly agreeing.

Meanwhile in New York, Cuomo’s brother proclaimed “we have to get in those communities, and we have to knock on those doors, and we have to convince people, and put them in a car and drive them and get that vaccine in their arm. That is the mission.”

Finally, on the other side of the country, California governor Gavin Newsom likened unvaccinated Americans to murderous drunk drivers.


Read full story here: Insanity Rules in the U.S. as Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated “Breakthrough” Cases Surge While Health Authorities blame the “Unvaccinated” – Vaccine Impact

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