Injection could CHANGE your DNA FOREVER? What…?

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I did a post with video about this subject back on December 11, 2020. In it Bill Gates is talking about RNA vaccines. And plainly talks about altering your DNA codes.

[icon name=”quote-left” prefix=”fas”] Bill Gates: “One final way that’s new and is promising is called the RNA vaccine. With RNA and DNA instead of putting in that shape in you put instructions in the code to make that shape.” [icon name=”quote-right” prefix=”fas”]

This was all along the time, I think, that all the talk about the wonder vaccine that was coming out that was gonna save the world from the terrible virus. People were all talking about how great it was and couldn’t wait to get it injected.

I was discussing this with some co-workers and they just kinda shrugged it off saying that they get their information from friends that are nurses and work in the healthcare field. And I was essentially blown off.

Fast forward to today, August 2021 and we now have an MIT and Harvard study demonstrated that yes, “RNA does work that way”, (RNA from the coronavirus itself are most likely becoming a permanent fixture in human DNA).

So now I just feel it’s important to repost the video I posted back then to refresh people’s memory and to inform more about this experimental gene therapy they want to force in the entire global population. And just the fact that these sort of things (for good or evil) were being discussed… should scare the living crap out of you!

So please view the video below and you decide. But as I’ve said before, decide wisely because it could literally cost you your life.

Original post: Bill Gates Caught on Video Admitting Vaccine will CHANGE our DNA FOREVER

It seems more important to Bill Gates to ensure that everyone’s DNA is reprogrammed. Bill gates has gone completely insane. He’s acting like one of those megalomaniacal mad scientists who is bent on global domination or destruction.

Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, Jeffrey Epstein seem to be continuing the Eugenics program started by HITLER! It’s all about world domination.

Now, you can believe this video or not, that’s up to you to decide. But at the very least, do your own research for goodness sakes. Don’t listen to the main stream media control lies!

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