Human DNA has been poisoned…

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On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane shows you the answer to the ultimate question – what was this all really about, why is there such worldwide pressure to inject every living human with these mystery shots causing death and destruction?

It was always a mission, a mission to poison the God given DNA forever and through the work of Dr. Daniel Nagase, Dr. Jane reviews how the DNA of over 5 billion people on the planet has been poisoned, changed forever, with built-in genetic codes for repeat infertility, disease and death greater than ever imagined.

Included is a review of Dr Nagase’s findings from two recent warmed Pfizer and Moderna vial exam under electron microscopy showing no biological material but rather a large amount of aluminum and other rare metals. And proof that the Monkeypox cases around the world are a gain-of-function virus intentionally spread.

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