How Obama Took Over the Biden Administration…

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A little tidbit.

Obama’s 2020 efforts on Biden’s behalf didn’t end there. He was also instrumental in creating the so-called party unity commissions that brought Sanders’ staff and allies together with Bidens’ — a move that has had a lasting impact on Biden’s first-term policy agenda. The officials and operatives who served on these committees wrote a party platform that incorporated a number of progressive priorities. They also formed relationships that would carry forward into Congress and the Biden White House. We found that progressive leaders in Congress like Pramila Jayapal forged close ties with Biden’s first chief of staff, Ron Klain, during this period.

In other words, the Left lost the primary but won the nomination anyway.

Now let’s go one step further. Obama needs a weakened Biden in order to be able to control him. In 2020, the weakness was ‘organic’ and came from primary battles. The unity commission headed off the concern that Biden would be dealing with a bitterly divided party the way that Hillary Clinton did because of her more roughshod method of taking control of the DNC.

But the ‘weakness’ now is different. There’s no real organic competition, instead Biden is an unpopular candidate.

And this time around Obama’s people are offering a leftward tilt as the answer to bringing in the youth vote. (But then again when have Obama and the Left ever offered any other solution?)

Biden rented his administration to Obama, Sanders, Warren, the Squad, etc in order to secure the nomination. The goal is to make the deal all over again.

Obama needs a weak Biden. The question is how much of the weakening is he doing?


Source: How Obama Took Over the Biden Administration Frontpage Mag

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