How “mind guys” implement their mind control…

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Having revealed in my novels how “mind guys” implement their mind control, there is a tactic we all need to be aware of that has already been deployed to influence the Republican primaries and selection of the candidate for 2024.   Election interference has already begun, and it is being done under the category of Perception Management.

That tactic used to be known as mind control or brainwashing. Then it was changed to propaganda as a whole “new-age” form of warfare was developed.   To sanitize it even further and make it palatable to the average person, propaganda was redefined as Public Relations.  A whole industry was born to do “opposition research” to support one’s candidate, and destroy the opponent by souring the voter–not on the opponent’s policies and viewpoints, but rather on a rejection of their perceived character flaws.   Initially begun with the idea that the research might expose some sordid things, but would actually be true, it has given way in recent years to a concoction of half-truths, falsehoods, and outright slander.   And that is where the propagandist operates—in the murkiness of lies that appear as truth.

Most recently, however, to legitimize it even more after the Steele Dossier and Russia Hoax debacle, those who would override your reason with emotion and passion have chosen a delicious new route called Perception Management.   If one can create and/or manipulate what you see and perceive, you change your thoughts, and thereby your decisions and actions.  Whether you change your vote, or lose your enthusiasm, or withhold contributions, or pass on harmful information in order to “inform” your followers, if one can alter your perception, they are engaged in the slickest form of mind control.

For example, last week, Trump was in New Hampshire as part of his campaign. I heard a news commentator remark that there didn’t seem to be the enthusiasm in the crowd that used to be there for him. And, further inserting his opinion into his evaluation, he added that perhaps it is time for someone new. This was a top-rated news agency, not CNN or MSNBC.

I realized then that one of the most dangerous Perception Management operations has already begun to stop Donald J Trump from receiving the nomination of his party for President.  It is obvious to me that his policies worked, and they worked because of his unique and creative leadership style, and his unshakable courage in the face of relentless attacks, 24/7. Perception Management will redefine that steadfastness as “reckless stubbornness” however. In my lifetime, I have never seen a President so attacked, so relentlessly, as he and his administration worked to better conditions in the United States and abroad.

Whether you love him or hate him, whether you voted for him or against him, when a President has an historic increase in people voting for him over his first run for the office, and when he and the American people—75 million of us—were told he had lost, it defied credibility.   Sadly, the Biden Campaign was a study in Perception Management, and its first huge victory was the defeat of Trump.   Now, one should ask oneself, who really wanted Trump gone?   Was it really the American people, or was it someone else?

I believe it is in fact someone else, and they skillfully aligned forces and industries like Big Media and Big Tech to ensure he did not make it.   You can read “White King and the Seat at the Table” to find out who they are and what they plan for you next.   Their problem, though, is Donald J. Trump.  He is running again for his second term.   And 75 million Americans believe their vote was somehow negated in 2020.   Whether it was cheating, incompetence, wholly inadequate state elections laws, media manipulation, edgy voting day disparities, or even legal loopholes, the outcome was the same—tens of millions of Americans now doubt the election process in the US.

Source: Lee Kessler – Please get this out through your networks to anyone you feel should have it.  Thank you!  Lee

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