How Do COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Harm the Body and What’s the Treatment?

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In search of enlightenment on why the Covid vaccines are harmful to some people, I paid a call on Dr. Chris Newton. Dr. Newton taught in the Department of Medicine, Hull University, and before that he worked as Senior Research Scientist at the Max Planck Institute in Munich. His research in Munich included cellular transfection with DNA. He has more recently contributed a lengthy chapter on Covid pathogenesis and therapy to Nutrition and Integrative Medicine for Clinicians, Volume Two.

Dr. Newton told me he was extremely dismayed to find that effective medical therapy for Covid was being ignored or undermined. Chris commented: “It became rather obvious, the system was running interference to prevent any potential therapy from gaining traction. The reason being that an authorised therapy for prophylaxis or early therapy would block emergency authorisation of the vaccines which at the time were under development.”

Professor Arne Burkhardt, who sadly has recently died, was a highly respected German pathologist who performed autopsies on people suspected of dying from the Covid vaccines. He led an international team of 10 scientists in developing a test for spike protein in human tissue.

His autopsy slides show damaged blood vessels, both the inner lining of cells (the epithelium) and the fibrous ‘tube’ of the vessels, as well as the disintegrated heart muscle fibres suspected to lie behind sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS). His team’s test has found spike proteins in almost every organ in the body. The dark dots in the slides that he showed in what turned out to be his last presentation, in the EU parliament on May 3rd, represent lymphocytes (white blood cells).

I asked Dr. Newton whether he deemed these findings by Dr. Burkhardt and others convincing. He said he did as he trusts that professionals of the stature of Professor Burkhardt and fellow pathologist Professor Walter Lang will have carried out the control tests required and so there is every reason to be confident in their findings, as evidenced by neutralising antibodies and spike-specific T-cells.

Dr. Newton explained that the original DNA sequence for the vaccine spike protein is a portion of the SARS-CoV-2 virus code data released by China in early 2020. The first step in creating the mRNA vaccines was to turn the computer sequence into physical DNA in a laboratory. Dr. Newton explained that the process was to join short segments of DNA and to assemble the full coding sequence of the spike protein as ‘hard copy’ DNA. Dr. Newton said that he had himself used a similar process when studying the molecular biology of oestrogen receptors at the Max Planck Institute.

The ‘hard copy’ DNA, which is circular in form and known as a plasmid, is added to a cellular bioreactor where the spike DNA is reproduced many times and then converted to mRNA. A purification procedure removes cellular proteins, lipids and DNA. mRNA is much more fragile than DNA and so is encased in lipid nanoforms. Salt solutions are added and the liquid then frozen to minus-70°C to keep it stable during storage and transport.

What happens when these mRNA-containing lipid nanoparticles are injected into people’s bodies was the subject of several hours of conversation between Dr. Newton and myself. Dr. Newton’s particular concern is that the lipid nanoparticles are designed to penetrate membranes and these ingredients can potentially reach every organ including the brain. He suggested that there are several ‘hot spots’, including the ovaries, testes and bone marrow.

Although spike protein will be expressed when cells take up mRNA, Dr. Newton suggested that inflammation of tissues cannot solely be ascribed to the spike protein. The mRNA is carried by the encapsulating lipids and so toxicity of carrier lipids may equally provoke a harmful inflammatory response.

Dr. Kevin McKernan’s research has shown that the purification procedure described above has not been effective: the vaccines contain a large proportion of DNA, including the original circular plasmid and linear fragments of a wide range of sizes. If DNA (rather than mRNA) is taken up by cells, they may continue to generate spike protein for a long time.

Meanwhile, Dr. Gabriele Segalla, a specialist in these types of nanomaterials, has found that the lipid nanoparticles, when warmed up from minus-70°C and then injected into the body, become unstable and the minute droplets disintegrate, forming clumps and even solids, thus generating another set of unpredictable, harmful and little understood substances in the body.

Dr. Segalla emphasises that size is important. These microscopically small nanoforms behave differently to the same chemicals when in physically larger formation – an important feature that is recognised by European medicine regulators. This means nanoforms can be toxic on account of their small size and not solely because of the actual chemical compounds involved.

Returning to my conversation with Dr. Chris Newton, he explained to me that all of the various components of the vaccine cause inflammation and there is little or no information as to how the body neutralises, stores or excretes them, or in what timeframe.

In another chapter of Nutrition and Integrative Medicine for Clinicians, Volume Two, Arden Anderson reports that chronic inflammation is always damaging and is fundamental to many diseases including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s. In his own chapter, Dr. Newton sets out the foods and antioxidant supplements useful against inflammation, spike protein and COVID-19 itself. Sounds like the NHS is going to need a few copies.


Source: How Do COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Harm the Body and What’s the Treatment? – The Daily Sceptic

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