How Audits Will End the Biden Administration

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Last week’s election revelations in Georgia and Arizona caused a shift in the way election audits are perceived. As a result, a Representative from Wisconsin is now calling for a full forensic audit in that state. Many people are wondering how this will end. Will state legislatures recall their Biden electors? Will Congress nullify the results of the November election?  Will the Supreme Court order a new election?


Post-election audits of this magnitude have never been done. There is no clear constitutional remedy or historical precedent for changing the outcome of a fraudulent presidential election. We’re in uncharted territory. We don’t know with certainty how state legislatures will act if, and when, their audits find fraud. We have no way of knowing how the courts will respond. There is no reason to believe Congress will take action. It’s anyone’s guess as to whether state Attorneys General will investigate evidence of fraud. But I think we can make a reasonable guess as to where this is headed if we follow key data to its logical conclusion.

Our first data point is the fact that the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has refused to turn over to the Arizona Senate the routers used during the November election pursuant to a legislative subpoena. The Board of Supervisors turned over the ballots. They turned over the machines. But they won’t turn over equipment that would reveal the internet traffic that occurred during the election. Why are they determined to hide this information?

The answer could be inferred if we consider the evidence presented in the video Absolute Proof.

This video, and others in the “Absolute” series, present evidence that the November election was hacked by foreign nations, with China being the major player. This August, Mike Lindell will host a symposium where IT and cybersecurity experts will examine the PCAP data recorded in real-time before, during, and after the election. Experts who have analyzed some of the data are convinced that it shows irrefutable evidence that China interfered in the November election.

If the evidence proves what experts claim, then Joe Biden is not merely an illegitimate president. He is the representative of a foreign government inserted into our political system—the person through whom China assumed control of our executive branch.

Internet routers do not contain the kind of data the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors claimed when they refused to turn them over to auditors. Routers retain IP addresses. Perhaps they know that data on the routers will show internet traffic between China and Maricopa County voting centers.

The purpose of the audits is to investigate elections at the state level and provide evidence to the public of what happened. If the audits prove the election was stolen by China, we should expect (and demand) action from the Defense Department. If a foreign nation took over control of one branch of our federal government and there is proof of it, it is the responsibility of the military to acknowledge this fact and remove the usurper from power. Irrespective of what a state, a court, or Congress may do, the Defense Department cannot allow this to stand.

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