Homeland Security issues bulletin classifying Americans who exercise their First Amendment rights as potential terrorist threats

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The federal government’s Department of Homeland Security issued a National Terrorism Advisory Bulletin Monday that is worth taking note of.

You really have to read it to believe it.

It is so unbelievable that it borders on the insane. The only thing that could spark the release of such an aggressive document would be pure desperation. The criminals in our government know, that we know, that they are illegitimate, that they have violated the social contract that we have with them and they have violated it in spades.

According to this bulletin, we the people have been reclassified from citizens to terrorists; we the people pose a grave “threat” to the nation because we are guilty of promoting “mis- dis- and mal-information,” which is code language for anyone who criticizes the government’s policies on vaccines, election integrity and theoretically any other hot-button issue they don’t want to hear your opinion about.

Were you aware that we no longer have the right to express an opinion in “free” America” unless it lines up with that of the government and its corporate partners who own the legacy media, Big Tech and Big Pharma?

There’s no mention of al-Qaida, Boko Haram, ISIS, or the Chinese Communist Party in this bulletin. But there are a lot of references to things that regular, everyday Americans do every day, which is write and speak publicly about what they see happening to their country.

That the DHS would go to such an extreme as to condemn and criminalize everyday, protected political speech tells you they must be on the ropes. They must realize the narrative they’ve spent the last two years building is on the verge of crumbling. Their lies about “safe and effective” have been exposed and they are afraid they could be held accountable.

Let’s be frank. The federal government has spent the last two years terrorizing the American people, similar to the way people in Canada, Europe and Australia have been terrorized by their globalist puppet governments. In America, it started with President Trump declaring a national emergency on March 11, 2020, and it hasn’t let up since. In fact, the pressure has only intensified under the Biden administration.

They have terrorized us with their needles, their forced masking of our children, their orders of social separation and forced closures of businesses and churches that were overnight declared “non-essential.”

But when they started telling us we had no right to reject a specific medical treatment, one that was clearly unproven and risky to the long-term health of our people, they crossed a line into a whole new level of government-corporate tyranny the likes of which has never been seen in human history.

Now, on Monday, February 7, the government released a document that serves as the ultimate cherry on top of their authoritarian cake.

The Department of Homeland Security in cooperation with the FBI and the Biden administration produced a bulletin declaring that anyone who so much as speaks against these tyrannical policies will be considered a terrorist threat.

This should tell us three things…

Continue reading the full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] Homeland Security issues bulletin classifying Americans who exercise their First Amendment rights as potential terrorist threats – LeoHohmann.com

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