Hey Bruce Lee! Merriam-Webster’s Definition of ‘Vaccine’ Needs an Update…Again

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Forbes’ senior contributor, Bruce Lee, wrote an opinion editorial (op-ed)piece inNovember of 2021attacking ‘anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorists’ who accurately stated that the mRNA injections are not vaccines and who accused Webster’s Dictionary of fraudulently changing the definition of the word ‘vaccine.’

Spoiler Alert: The conspiracy theorists were right again Bruce Lee.

In his op-ed, Bruce Lee addresses that the word ‘vaccine’ was the most searched word in 2021. He poses the sarcastic-laden rhetorical question as the reason why, “Could it be that the COVID-19 vaccines are a major key to stopping this pandemic?”


Answer: No Bruce Lee. No it couldn’t be that the COVID-19 vaccines were a major key in stopping the pandemic. The FDA, Pfizer, Moderna, the CDC, NIH, and HHS knew the mRNA injections caused COVID-19, including severe disease and death. If you did some investigative research, you could’ve seen the evidence for yourself, but since you didn’t, I did it for you.

Bruce Lee and all other mainstream media reporters have conveniently forgotten about the dailyCOVID-19 death counterthat they used to scare and guilt Americans into getting COVID-19 injections.


Per government databases, COVID-19 deaths in the United States have more than doubled to over 1.1 millions deaths since the mRNA injections were authorized in December of 2020. This isn’t a medical failure,it’s a crime. I guess Americans should be grateful Bruce Lee is a Forbes editor and not a psychic.

Here is Part 1a of Webster’snew definition for the word vaccine.


Bruce Lee states that removing the word ‘immunity’ and replacing the phrase ‘increased immunity,’ with ‘stimulates the body’s immune response’ is a more accurate description.


The analogy Bruce gives compares ‘immunity to a virus’ to love, it can fade over time. “Immune response,” immunity, and love have nothing to do with one another. Cut the CIA double-speak Bruce Lee. The FDA, NIH, CDC, and Webster’s Dictionary changed the definition of the word vaccine to cover for the fact that the COVID-19 vaccines are bioweapons.

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Per Part 1b ofWebster’s new definition of a ‘vaccine,’ states that a ‘vaccine’ has the ability to ‘stimulate the body’s immune response to spike proteins produced by cells’ that are programmed with mRNA.’ This is a deceptive definition.


 Read the full story here: Hey Bruce Lee! Merriam-Webster’s Definition of ‘Vaccine’ Needs an Update…Again

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