Hashtag #EmptyShelvesJoe goes viral as Americans rage over broken supply chain under Biden

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(Natural News) America is running out of everything under fake “president” Joe Biden, and Americans are starting to make their voices heard about it.

The hashtag #EmptyShelvesJoe is going viral on Twitter as Americans tweet in rage and frustration over the ongoing supply chain issues that are leaving many store shelves completely bare.

Potentially hundreds of large cargo ships, each holding hundreds of giant shipping containers, are sitting off the coast of the United States with nowhere to port. And where is Hunter’s dad? Taking a nap or rambling about nonsense.

Things have degraded so much that corporate giants like Walmart and Costco are now chartering their own ships while limiting sales of toilet paper and other consumer goods just like they did at the start of the plandemic.

In order to not miss Christmas, some corporate CEOs are pushing the public to buy their gifts really early this year. This will ensure that high-level executives get their bonuses, all else be damned.

Unsure as to what else they can do about it, Americans everywhere are tweeting photos and videos of the retail carnage whenever and wherever they encounter it, along with the #EmptyShelvesJoe hashtag.

Transportation Sec. Pete Buttigieg went off on…

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