GUILTY! Arizona Senate debunks the Left’s “Big Lie”

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 Election Fraud is now a fact. The Big Lie that this was “the most secure election in history” was debunked today in the Arizona Senate hearing.


Today the Arizona Senate shared key findings that are irrefutable and undeniable.

Arizona experienced industrial scale, systemic voter suppression. Arizona citizens were denied Equal Protection under the law.

Maricopa County is guilty of failing to follow the specific rules – including their own processes and procedures – designed to keep our elections secure and honest.

Experts testified to “tremendous vulnerabilities” and confirmed that there was unauthorized access to voting machines in Maricopa County. The machines that were used had recieved no security updates in over a year, and had all the same remote logins that were found in Michigan and Georgia – which would allow remote access to these machines.

The Arizona Senate also confirmed that non-secure ballot paper was used, after they assured the public they would use “VoteSecure” paper. As a result, there was bleed through on the ballots that could cause large numbers of ballots to be cancelled or sent to adjudication.

Read full story here: GUILTY! Arizona Senate debunks the Left’s “Big Lie”

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