Guess Who Is Going To Be The New FDA Chief?

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An Obama-era, Alphabet (Google’s parent company) medical tyrant is now going to head the Food and Drug Administration in the United States.  We are living under a totalitarian fascist regime and this “appointment” by the Biden administration should shock literally no one.

President Joe Biden is expected to nominate Robert Califf to lead the Food and Drug Administration, a job he briefly held during the Obama administration. If you think the vaccine propaganda is bad now, just wait. This tyrant is going to ram things down our throats and lie like the fascist is he is to promote the dystopia they want for all of us.

Califf is a cardiologist, who spent most of his career at Duke University, his alma mater. Before becoming FDA’s commissioner in February 2016, he was involved in the agency’s Office of Medical Products and Tobacco for about a year, according to a report by RT. As we have repeatedly said, there is no political solution when the obvious problem we face is politics. Stepping free from the brainwashing that a master is needed to control us is step one, and we are on our way.  But this move is going to embolden the controllers further, meaning we need to be extra alert to all of the excess propaganda we are about to see.

If you don’t think politics is entrenched and tied in with corporations (meaning we live under a fascist dictatorship) maybe this will help you wake up: In 2019, Califf was hired by Alphabet, Google’s parent company, to head its medical strategy. He received the position after acting as a consultant for the tech giant for over two years.

Califf’s nomination by Obama received bipartisan support, but his newfound ties with the private sector and acute partisan division may make his confirmation process into an intense battle in the current split Senate. –RT

Once you evolve past the idea of needing a master (government) you will begin to see just how nefarious an appointment like this can be. It’s all about control and manipulation. Corporations are in bed with the government and vise versa. It’s time to stop supporting both, break the chains of our enslavement, and live freely.

Article  Source: Guess Who Is Going To Be The New FDA Chief?

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