Greed for Seed – Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

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VACCINES and SEEDS: The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation together with Monsanto have precipitated the worst farmer suicide crisis in Indian history.

Vandana Shiva, one of the most outspoken critics of Gates Foundation’s malign activity in India, has been censored along with many others for challenging evil GMO Barons.

When it comes to seed control, how much power is enough and where does it end? We are in a battle for the soul and seed of humankind.

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Open your eyes
Open your eyes
2 years ago

Melinda wears an upside down cross for a reason. Bill puts “666” on all his patents for a reason. They aren’t hiding, they are in plain sight. These creatures hate humanity. They have no soul. Our suffering means nothing to them. We’re a plague of locusts who need to be exterminated as far as they are concerned. When will Humanity wake up?

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