Graphene Oxide Blockbuster: It Causes CV Symptoms and is Present in all Aspects of Diagnosis and Treatment

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ER Editor: See these earlier articles we published on the graphene oxide discovery, which has been used to explain why vaccine recipients appear to be magnetic:

Analysis of Vaccination Vial Confirms Presence of Graphene Nanoparticles [VIDEO] and Graphene Quantum Dot Detectors for Health-Monitoring ‘Wearables’.

Originally, we had wondered which vaccine they were referring to. This video confirms it’s the mRNA type (Pfizer in particular) that contains this substance. But this interview goes further, claiming that graphene oxide is CAUSING COVID SYMPTOMS, and has been found to be present in each and every step of diagnosis and treatment. And 5G has a role to play …


We do not subscribe to the everything is reducible to graphene’ theory. As we have published on extensively, something (or several things) of a pulmonary nature was circulating way back in 2019, producing a slightly different type of pulmonary fibrosis, according to a Taiwanese virologist who alerted the CDC because of cases found on US soil and got the brush off. In March 2020 in France, as in many places, there was something of a respiratory nature going around that a few susceptible people we know got, people who don’t get flu or suffer from lung problems. Some of these symptoms were a little unusual (upper respiratory tract burning, and a curious return of symptoms after 15 days – which appeared in the French govt’s list of symptoms at the time) but which have NEVER BEEN INCLUDED in the official, SURVIVING list of COVID symptoms, which we find exceedingly strange. There were no graphene-containing masks, PCR tests or vaccines at that point. We do subscribe to the multiple bioweapon theory (which they don’t want identified and sequenced for obvious reasons), with graphene additives inserted along the way to keep the virus scare/symptoms alive. And to justify multiple, annual vaccines.

If graphene in the vaccines is causing Covid symptoms, then haven’t the vaccines been weaponized in TWO ways? First, through graphene, and second through causing massive spike protein production, which is also toxic.

Full story here: Graphene Oxide Blockbuster: It Causes CV Symptoms and is Present in all Aspects of Diagnosis and Treatment | The Liberty Beacon

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