Graphene Oxide and the Vaccine

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Graphene Oxide and the Vaccine – The Ultimate Goal of ID2020?

If you have not yet heard about something called graphene oxide having been found in the COVID-19 vaccines, let me give you a little rundown.

What is graphene oxide?

To answer this question I am going to refer to a peer reviewed article titled: Synthesis and Toxicity of Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles: A Literature Review of In Vitro and In Vivo Studies.(Rhazouani, et al., 2021)

Graphene oxide is an electrically charged nanoparticle,  utilized in biotechnology, and is an “oxidized derivative of graphene.” (Rhazouani, et al., 2021). Graphene oxide is most widely found in electronics, lithium batteries, agriculture, energy, and aeronautics; just to name a few.

The article also goes on to say that, “They are currently used to administer drugs, proteins, genes, vaccines, polypeptides, and nucleic acids.” However, it also notes its toxic effects which depends on the amount administered, how it is administered, and how graphene oxide is synthesized, the size of graphene, and the electric surface charge.

Graphene oxide has been around for 150 years, the article notes, however scientists had not been able to synthesize it correctly for quite some time.

Only until 50 years ago were two scientists, Hummers and Offeman, able to process graphene oxide correctly, “thereby reducing the risk of explosion and reaction time,” (Rhazouani, et al., 2021) by using a “mixture of sulfuric acid, sodium nitrate, and potassium permanganate.” (Rhazouani, et al., 2021.)

There is not a standard way to produce graphene oxide (GO.)

Each synthesis method produces a different type of GO. Which, the article, notes is part of the biggest problem in utilizing GO in “advanced applications.” (Rhazouani, et al., 2021).

Graphene Oxide Synthesis Results

So, while it is used in the medical field, such as in cancer treatment, graphene oxide is still subject to…

Read full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] Graphene Oxide and the Vaccine – Rotter News

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