Governor Newsom Recall at Tipping Point – Liberty Nation

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A petition to recall Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA) that had stalled five months after it was established has met a one-million-signature milestone. The petitioners now have nine weeks left — until the March 17 deadline — to amass the additional 500,000 signatures required to add it to the ballot.

Newsom has not commented on the effort to oust him, but surely now he understands there is a groundswell of ill will toward him. A substantial number of his constituents seem to abhor his punishing, hypocritical leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The governor made an egregious unforced error of considerable magnitude back in November. After repeatedly urging Californians to stay home because of the virus, he was photographed dining at the high-end Napa Valley restaurant French Laundry, whose menu offers the popular white truffle and caviar dinner that sets you back $1,200 per person. Also around his table were a gaggle of lobbyists, painting a troubling picture of how business may be done in Sacramento. Pictures of the event were widely circulated, showing the privileged entourage dined without masks the entire evening. Not to be outdone, Newsom’s fellow Democratic colleague San Francisco Mayor London Breed and friends partied at the French Laundry, too.

The blatant flouting of the mask mandates, lockdowns, and social distancing Newsom has demanded statewide since early last summer was enough hypocrisy on display to give the recall effort new life. Within two months, the million-signature milestone was met and has “huge momentum,” according to…

Read the full story hereGovernor Newsom Recall at Tipping Point – Liberty Nation


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