German judge declares masks harmful, warns that mask mandates are illegal

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(Natural News) A Weimar District Court in Germany has ruled that enforcing mask mandates, social distancing requirements and rapid Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) testing on students is harmful, and thus illegal.

Distance learning must also stop, the court decided, because it, along with the other measures, is causing physical, psychological and pedagogical harm to children, as well as infringing the rights of children and their parents.

The decision, made by judge Christian Dettmar, only applies to schools in the Weimar District, though it could eventually extend to other parts of the country with enough outcry from other parents.

According to Dettmar, forcing children to wear a mask and stay away from each other is a direct violation of Articles 2 and 6 of the German Constitution, which guarantee the rights to freedom of individual development, education and parental assistance.

Further, such measures were not proportional to the threat posed, which is really no threat at all considering that children are basically immune to the Chinese Virus.

In his decision, Dettmar referred to an October 2020 bulletin from the World Health Organization (WHO) that featured a study by world-renowned medical science expert John Ioannidis, who found that the death rate for the Wuhan Flu is a mere 0.23 percent, the equivalent of an average influenza season.

Wearing a mask and staying away from others, Dettmar thus ruled, holds no medical, scientific or biological weight. There is also absolutely no reason to do any of these things if a person is asymptomatic, as so-called “asymptomatic spread” is completely fake.

Wearing a mask and social distancing causes mental, physical and spiritual damage…

Read full story here: Source: German judge declares masks harmful, warns that mask mandates are illegal –

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