Full testimony of former HHS Covid Adviser: ‘Asymptomatic transmission more myth than reality’

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As discussed recently on the TrialSite, the world’s leading online media platform and social network dedicated to objectively tracking clinical trials, an Op-Ed contributor questioned the practice of shut downs associated with asymptomatic COVID-19 spread.

Claim asymptomatic transmission of COVID drove pandemic ‘not credible’

We will now address the issue of asymptomatic spread.

The claim that ‘asymptomatic’ spread or transmission of COVID-19 is a key driver of the pandemic or even a driver of minimal infection is not credible. Not only is this our hypothesis, we feel strongly that the asymptomatic spread claim was bogus from the start and was used to justify the lockdowns. It had, and still has today, no basis. This was part of pandemic corruption. We have looked at the evidence gathered across the last 16 months and can safely say this was a false narrative that, along with masking, lockdowns, social distancing, and school closure policies, visited crushing harms on society, hurting the USA and the world immensely. That the US Pandemic Task Force and these illogical, irrational, unscientific medical experts could use this falsehood to shutter society, causing so much destruction of life, wealth and property is a shameful and unforgivable scandal. This pandemic response was all about corruption, and there certainly were ingredients other than science at play throughout.

Some of us had the pleasure of working with members of the US Task Force and can attest that some of them are incredibly smart, good people. But they were and are flat wrong on everything related to COVID-19. Every policy was based on their input and guidance, and they created a disaster. Many thousands of people died due to their policies. Never has a President been as ill-served as by these Task Force members. They misled and undercut President Trump at each turn, and one continues to mislead the current administration. On a day-to-day basis, we were watching a clown car in the daily briefings. Their hypothesis on asymptomatic spread cannot be borne out, and we have decided to examine the evidence on asymptomatic spread and give our view. The COVID-19 response should have never been about their supposition, speculation, and assumptions, let alone their whimsy. This is not evidence-based research; this is not science. Speculation and assumption are not science. The Task Force failed catastrophically and must not be allowed to rewrite their history.

As we present our opinions and the evidence that underpins our reasoning, we ask any of the scientists to put forth their data, their science, their proof of its credibility. Once this is shown and proven, we will gladly adjust our position and conclude otherwise. We also apologize for our blunt writing on this matter, for we are angry at the catastrophic failures of the Task Forces and these unsound, irrational experts who have caused so much damage.

The issue of ‘asymptomatic spread’ was such a significant aspect of the pandemic policy decisions that it could not be based on ‘possibility’ or assumptions. We are afraid, however, that it was, and this had catastrophic consequences. They, these absurd and unscientific medical experts, made ‘asymptomatic spread’ the cornerstone of the societal lockdowns, and they did this with no credible basis. There was no strong data or any evidence to support this, and even if this was assumed for several weeks, and even if we took a more cautious approach initially and this was reasonable, we used and kept this false narrative in place far too long to keep draconian and punitive lockdown restrictions in place that had no basis. As a result, lives were lost.

For us to buy “asymptomatic spread,” we need to see the evidence and data, and there is and was none. We operate in a world of evidence-based medicine and research whereby policies must be supported by credible evidence, and even if it is ‘anecdotal’ ‘real-world evidence’, it must have some basis. This had none. The reality is that there is no verifiable, credible evidence, even today, that people have developed COVID-19 from asymptomatic spread. You must torture the data or infections to find a case, and even then it is plagued with the very questionable RT-PCR results.

You just cannot discuss this asymptomatic issue without factoring in the very flawed RT-PCR test with its 97% to 100% false positives at cycle counts (Ct) of 34 to 35 and above (optimal Ct of 24 to 25 denotes real infectiousness and predictive of serious outcomes). This disastrous RT-PCR  test cannot be omitted from mention, for it was part of the ‘asymptomatic’ deception.

This duplicitous ‘asymptomatic’ assertion doomed the pandemic response from the start, for all the societal shutdowns and school closures revolved around the premise of asymptomatic spread. Dr. Anthony Fauci can be credited with perhaps the greatest falsehood told to the American population and President Trump. He continues to advance this misleading and duplicitous narrative to the current administration.

‘Lockdown lunatics failed to protect public health’…

Read full story here: Full testimony of former HHS Covid Adviser: ‘Asymptomatic transmission more myth than reality’ | Opinion | LifeSite

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