FROM PHARMA TO TECH: Facebook’s audit director and marketing leads ALL used to work at Pfizer

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A big reason why the social media giant has embraced an aggressive censorship protocol targeting critics of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” is because its executive board is packed with Big Pharma plants.

Facebook’s Internal Audit Director Tiffany Stokes, for example, used to work as a Senior Director at Pfizer. She has been with Facebook since January 2020, right when the plandemic was first launched (Related: Pfizer’s covid injections are dangerous and ineffective).

“The hires appear to present a conflict of interest for the social media platform, which has come under fire for censoring and banning users who’ve posted about the side effects or questioned the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines,” writes Natalie Winters for The National Pulse, which broke the story.

Stokes’ job description on LinkedIn reveals that her job duties include building and owning “strong relationships with critical business partners, providing project oversight of operational audits, managing the internal audit plan and risk assessment.”

“Leadership requires close collaboration with the Sales, Partnerships, Global Operations, International, HR, and Legal teams to assess and prioritize risks across an ever-changing high-tech business landscape,” her profile further reads.

Stokes worked at Pfizer for five years in its finance and legal operations department, where she “[e]stablished and managed legal, budgeting, and forecasting processes to achieve the business’s financial goals as well as cost control commitments made to shareholders and the financial and investment community.”

Prior to working in that role, Stokes was also tasked by Pfizer with adjusting financial forecasts for the company “based on fluctuating costs, prioritization of legal matters, and impending legal issues.”

She was also Pfizer’s Assistant Treasurer of the U.S. and Capital Markets, where she “directed” the pharmaceutical giant’s $8 billion investment portfolio.

Facebook is basically an extension of Pfizer

Brian Graves, Facebook’s Vice President for Global Clients and Categories, also used to work at Pfizer as its Chief Marketing Officer for consumer health care in the United States.

Graves worked at Pfizer for 14 years before joining Facebook in 2018, where he now works as a Client Partner for the tech giant’s Global Marketing Solutions branch.

“In addition to Facebook hiring Pfizer marketing team alumni, the platform also added Pfizer’s former Senior Public Affairs and Corporate Communications Project Manager as its own Corporate Communications Manager in 2019,” Winters adds.

These major conflicts of interest demonstrate why Facebook essentially became the online police arm of Pfizer, “fact-checking” posts and comments that in any way criticized Pfizer’s Fauci Flu shots.

Facebook and really the entirety of the social media gamut all seem to have ties not only to Big Pharma but also to left-wing politics and even the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which was caught bankrolling efforts to “debunk” all criticisms of the plandemic injections as “disinformation.”

“The Pfizer executives along with investors Fauci, Bill Gates (who made $32 billion off vaccine investments) and many politicians belong in prison,” wrote a commenter at Natural News. “At the very least.”

Another questioned how anyone could fall for the covid injection ruse, regardless of all the “fac- checking” and other shenanigans. Do people really still trust the government, the pharmaceutical industry, and the tech giants to look out for their best interests?

“How a parent can STILL be that clueless to let their young ones be ‘vaccinated’ is beyond me!” this person wrote.

“What was it that that comedian once said? You can’t fix stupid? Do people do any reading on their own or do they just believe everything the media ‘reports’ to them? How parents can take such joy in having kids yet be wide open to having these same kids damaged for good or worse is a sad paradox.”

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Sources for this article include:

Source: FROM PHARMA TO TECH: Facebook’s audit director and marketing leads ALL used to work at Pfizer –

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