FRIGHTENING UK DATA – Injections: What have they done to our immune systems?

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The increasingly alarming data trends now lead us to ask: What have they done to our Immune Systems?
Clinical Trial Phase, Novel Technology Vaccines clearly lead to higher rates of infection for the closely monitored Covid19 virus (a relatively harmless virus with unblocked early treatments

What other (currently) unmonitored viruses and diseases normally kept in check by an uncompromised natural and innate immune system will the vaccinated ALSO become more susceptible?
The data:

It can also be downloaded via the following link along with an excel sheet that created the charts.

Cases – divided by age group – over a 4 week period with vaccinated status.
Rates of Cases – divided by age group – over a 4 week period with vaccinated status.
Data unfavourable to the promotion of Covid19 vaccines is routinely removed from the public eye.

Those misled into believing the “Vaccines” are “the responsible thing to do” can now see that the data is clear – in trusting “Health” Authorities (and Mainstream Media) taking the “vaccines” placed those around them at greater risk of being infection from Covid19.

Worse still, they are left with the prospect that their immune system has been significantly compromised.
The term being discussed among doctors is Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS).

This Data, VAIDS and successful early treatment protocols for at risk Covid19 patients is being aggressively censored by “Stakeholders”; the commercially related entities to Big Pharmaceutical including Mainstream Media, Google, Youtube and other Social Media Giants ;

To understand how dangerous Government and “Health” Authorities decisions have become under the influence of “Stakeholders” – there are now three heinous pushes underway; all aiming to fulfil huge secretive pharmaceutical contracts

1) The Obstruction of life saving Medications; used as both a prophylaxis and as early treatment for Covid19 in Multi Drug protocols ; specifically the decades old and decades safe medications of HCQ and Ivermectin
MP Craig Kelly gives a brilliant summary of how wicked this measure is

2) Injecting Children as young as 5 with Zero to Gain and EVERYTHING to lose prospects.
Experts are constantly warning of pending issues with Immune and Vascular Systems, Fertility and cancers.
Sinister mechanisms implemented include onerous weekly asymptomatic tests of children to attend school !

3) Booster programs in the face of overwhelming world data that the vaccines are the most dangerous medications ever released on populations and that they have NEGATIVE efficacy = spreading Covid19



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