Freezing against Putin: Large housing company dials down heating

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Freezing against Putin: Large housing company dials down heating

At Vonovia, the heating temperature of the gas central heating systems is currently being lowered at night. This is to reduce gas consumption. The output will be reduced to 17 degrees room temperature between 11 pm and 6 am, the company announced on Thursday. During the day, heating will be on as usual. The hot water supply is also not affected. No restrictions on showering or bathing are expected yet.

The change in heating temperature is to take place before the start of the heating season. In a tenant notice, Vonovia stressed that with this step, the company wanted to contribute by being a responsible landlord in saving gas and limiting heating costs. The night-time reduction would save up to 8 percent of heating costs.

Vonovia owns more than 550 000 flats in Germany, Sweden and Austria. In addition, there are around 72 500 managed flats.


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