Flu Vanishes, Trump Questions ‘Exaggerated’ CDC Claims

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Article Source: Flu Vanishes, Trump Questions ‘Exaggerated’ CDC Claims

Flu Vanishes, Trump Questions ‘Exaggerated’ CDC Claims

Influenza-Like Illnesses, Week 51 2019 (Left) vs. Week 51 2020 (Right)


In a recent Tweet, Donald Trump questioned the infection and death rates due to Covid-19.  He also questioned the relative cases and deaths as compared to other countries, which use different methods and which may also intentionally downplay their numbers:


This sparked another public disagreement between President Trump and Dr. Fauci.  Perhaps Trump is upset because he viewed the CDC statistics on the CDC’s own website. According to the CDC, the flu seems to have disappeared between week 51  (December) of 2019 and Week 51 of 2020.  The flu has existed for over 100 years and has never disappeared to this miraculous degree during the flu season.  This has caused many people, including perhaps The President, to once again call into question the testing methods and motivations of the people in charge of these things–including the CDC.

Some suggest that, perhaps, the flu and Covid-19 cases are not being properly separated in the data, or that there is no way to distinguish between the two, functionally.  In any case, it is quite a scientific miracle that the flu could nearly vanish.  It is also quite interesting that it did so at precisely the same time that COVID skyrockets.  Is there any previous biological precedent for this?

Read the full story here: Flu Vanishes, Trump Questions ‘Exaggerated’ CDC Claims

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