Flight Records Indicate the Next Stop for DeSantis’ Illegal Migrant Express is Biden’s Own Backyard

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While the mainstream media implodes over Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis showing the world that lily white liberals’ offers of being a ‘sanctuary city’ to illegal migrants is only theoretical in nature, there are more flights coming for the ‘Not-In-My-Backyard’ crowd.

Left-wing journalist Judd Legum noted that the next arrival for the DeSantis Express appears to be Joe Biden’s ‘backyard’ in Delaware.

Last week, busloads of migrants were sent to Vice President Kamala Harris’s residence near the Naval Observatory in D.C. from Texas.

“Between 75 and 100 people who were picked up in Eagle Pass, Texas, were sent by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott,” Fox News digital reported. “The group includes migrants from Venezuela, Uruguay, Colombia and Mexico. Multiple migrants, asked by Fox News Digital, said they think the border is open, contrary to what Harris said Sunday during an interview.”

“Border Czar” Kamala Harris did not appear to be amused by the ‘political stunt.’

As reported earlier, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday sent an estimated 50 migrants to Martha’s Vineyard on two planes on Wednesday.

Rob Wray of 7 News provided images of the illegal immigrants arriving in Martha’s Vineyard. It does not appear to be like the Holocaust, thematically or otherwise.

Here is how the Martha’s Vineyard residents greeted the undocumented migrants from Venezuela.

One Martha’s Vineyard resident called Kamala Harris’s performance as border czar a “joke.”

Gov. Ron DeSantis on “Hannity” set the record straight about the migrant flights, while hinting that he was only getting warmed up.

“And by the way, just for the record, this was voluntary,” Sean Hannity said. “All migrants were put up in hotels, given accommodations, they were fed, they were showered. They were offered haircuts and, and any other service that they were needed, correct?”

“Yeah, not only that they all signed consent forms to go,” DeSantis pointed out. “And then the vendor that, that is doing this for Florida, provided them with a packet that had a map of Martha’s Vineyard. It had the numbers for different services on Martha’s Vineyard, and then it had numbers for the overall agencies in Massachusetts that handle things involving immigration and refugees. So it was clearly voluntary and all the other nonsense hearing is just not true.”

“And, and why wouldn’t they want to go given where they were, they were in really, really bad shape,” he continued. “And they got to be cleaned up, everything, treated well. And then put in a situation, you say, Sean, there are jobs available in Martha’s Vineyard. There is lodging available in Martha’s Vineyard. Had they lived up to their, what they build themselves at as a sanctuary jurisdiction, they could have absorbed those people without a problem.”

“But here’s the thing — they said they didn’t have housing,” DeSantis added. “They said they couldn’t accommodate. Let’s just say that’s true for a minute. Well, what does that mean for these poor towns in Texas? What does it mean for these other places across the country that are seeing influx? What does it mean to these small towns that Biden has dumped so many people in?”

“And so I think what we’ve been able to do is show that this border is a disaster,” he continued. “Biden has failed on this as much or more than on any other policy. And now people are talking about it and we want solutions as Americans. We want to make sure that Trump’s policies of remain in Mexico can be reconstituted so we can get control over what’s going on.”

According to FAIR estimates, there have been 4.9 million illegal migrant crossings at the southern border under President Joe Biden and 900,000 ‘gotaways’ who have made it into the country. The estimated cost of the additional illegal immigrants to the country is $20 billion per year.


CNN is Comparing Ron DeSantis Sending Illegal Migrants to Martha’s Vineyard to the Holocaust

The post Flight Records Indicate the Next Stop for DeSantis’ Illegal Migrant Express is Biden’s Own Backyard appeared first on Becker News.



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