FLASHBACK: Leftists PRAISED Anti-Kavanaugh Protestors Who Took Over Capitol Hill Building In 2018 * The Scoop

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Article Source: FLASHBACK: Leftists PRAISED Anti-Kavanaugh Protestors Who Took Over Capitol Hill Building In 2018 * The Scoop

When far-left radical communists protesting against the appointment of Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court took over the Hart Senate Office Building atrium on Capitol Hill on October 4, 2018, leftists on Twitter PRAISED them.

“THIS is what democracy, patriotism, and heart looks like,” tweeted Twitter user @WendiUnraveled.

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“Thank  you to everyone able and willing to stand up and speak out.”

Twtter user @GMT_0923 tweeted, “So grateful for these protesters! I’m with them in solidarity and spirit!! #KavaNOPE”

Another Twitter user @barbn1943 said, “Thank you everyone single one of you! This brings a feeling of pride where I’ve only had disgust this week.  Thank you.”

Twitter user @RosieE2017 tweeted, “Wish I were there!”

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