Fighting back against the global assault on humanity

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This interview must be seen by as many people worldwide as possible as a step toward fighting back against the global assault on humanity, its well-being, and its freedom. Global forces are making war against the United States of America in order to destroy the last obstacle to their taking over the world politically and economically.

This is the message from our outstanding guest, Major General Paul Vallely. General Vallely is a graduate of West Point who, at the time of his retirement, was the U.S. Army Deputy Commanding General in the Pacific. He is writing a series of books on the betrayal of America, with coauthors General Thomas McInerney and journalist Mary Fanning, the most recently titled Invisible Treason in America. Their work dovetails seamlessly with ours in our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey.

This interview begins what the general calls the war at our border conducted against us by a heavily armed opponent called the cartels, who have already invaded and infiltrated our cities. He summarizes how a full-scale scale war against this enemy would, in fact, liberate the Mexican government from their clutches.

We then span across events throughout the world, from the upcoming Davos in Switzerland to the Ukraine and Russia, China, Islam, Africa, and Israel. We tie together the collaborative efforts of the global predators to tighten the noose that is strangling America.

We also examine how to correct former President Trump’s tragic support of Operation WARP Speed and his failure to make good use of the generals and health freedom leaders who would have supported him in 2020.

This information-packed interview concludes with a stirring appeal from General Vallely to see the world through the prism of reality, not the prism of politics, and for us to unite in defense of our nation as the last remaining bastion of freedom.


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