FIFA Footballers Dropping Left & Right, December Deaths Match Annual Average For Past 12 Years [VIDEO]

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While there have been numerous stories of people having serious side effects from the COVID-19 drug, a former soccer star, Matt Le Tissier recently took part in an interview where he expressed grave concern about the number of athletes he has seen collapsing on the field due to heart problems.

Once playing for Southampton F.C., Tissier admitted that the spike in collapses was noticed when the COVID-19 jab was made available to the general public. Not only was Tissier calling for an investigation into the matter, but his words come after a study found that professional soccer players dying from cardiovascular issues had doubled every three months. In December 2021 alone, the number of deaths roughly equaled the total average annual deaths over the last 12 years.

In the video, which is featured below, Tissier discussed what he has seen on the field and the connection between fatalities and the COVID-19 drug. What makes Tissier’s words so powerful is the fact that he once was a famous soccer star. If anyone knows what the body goes through during a match, it would be him. With that in mind, Tissier admitted he couldn’t  “remember a single game being halted for a medical emergency in the crowd.”

Watching the videos of athletes collapsing and seeing it himself, Tissier added, “that’s a bit weird, what are they doing that for? That’s not real. It doesn’t take a genius to watch those videos and go – do people even fall down like that?”

Although professional athletes are suffering from mysterious heart conditions and VAERS is reporting the number of jab injuries and deaths have climbed over 1 million, the video above continues to spread the message of the Biden administration that the COVID-19 drug is the best way to fight the virus. Even Dr. Anthony Fauci said it.

Source: FIFA Footballers Dropping Left & Right, December Deaths Match Annual Average For Past 12 Years [VIDEOS]

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