Police-defunded Chicago: Felon released from jail without bond stabs man 30 times in Chicago

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CHICAGO, IL- The beat goes on in the Mogadishu of the USA, Chicago. Yet another man who was out of jail while awaiting trial for a felony—the 49th such criminal this year alone—is accused of stabbing a man within inches of death.

Avondre Carroll, 19, stabbed an acquaintance of his some 30 times for no known reason. Carroll was out of jail awaiting trial on multiple counts of robbery and possession of a stolen motor vehicle, CWB Chicago reports. Those counts were lodged in juvenile court.

Carroll, however, continued his criminal ways after he turned 18 last year, having racked up eleven arrests since he became a legal adult. At the time of the stabbing, Carroll was awaiting trial for aggravated assault of a school employee, according to authorities.

Carroll’s arrest follows a disturbing pattern in the Windy City of felons who are released due to lax bail policies implemented by Cook County District Attorney Kim Foxx who then go on to commit either murder or shooting someone. Out of the 49 such incidents, 87 victims have been injured, with 22 of them succumbing to their injuries.

In the most recent case, Carroll and the victim, an 18-year-old man who lives in the same facility as him came across each other in the 6400 block of North Hamilton in the city.

The two men had known each other for about two months, and began walking toward the facility in which they lived. Carroll asked the victim who he would go about stabbing someone, according to prosecutor Rhianna Biernat.

The victim took out a knife, which he carries for protection, and demonstrated to Carroll how he would go about doing that, Biernat alleged during a bail hearing on Friday. That portion of the interaction between the two men was captured on an area surveillance camera.

As the men began walking away from the camera, Carroll stabbed the victim without being provoked, stabbing him at least 30 times in the head, face, neck, shoulder, arms and hands, Biernat said. He then fled town the alley they had just exited and passed by the surveillance camera again as he did.

The victim, who managed to survive the attack, was considered clinically dead for a period of time and ended up spending two weeks in the hospital, with five of those days being on a ventilator. He was able to identify Carroll from a photo lineup.

Just a couple of weeks before the latest attack, Carroll was charged with two counts of misdemeanor aggravated assault in connection with the attack on the school employee. He was released by Chicago police on his own recognizance.

Meanwhile in the juvenile court matter, Carroll stands accused of possession of a stolen motor vehicle in one case and another case involving two counts of robbery, battery, and possession of a controlled substance.

In that case, the victim told police that Carroll and two other men accosted him at a bus stop, asked the victim where he was from and then proceeded to surround him. Carroll then punched the man in the face, which caused him to fall to the ground. The suspects then took a book bag from his back, Biernat said.

According to Carroll’s defense attorney, he is currently enrolled in high school as a senior. In this case, the prosecution asked the judge to hold Carroll without bail, which was granted.

This is just the latest case CWB Chicago tracked where criminals out of jail usually without having to post bail committed a shooting or murder while subject to a felony arrest.

One such case involved a man named Valentino Wilbourn, who was out on the street awaiting trial on multiple charges of sexually assaulting victims under the age of 18. Wilbourn left the home where he was supposed to be staying while under electronic monitoring. He shot at sheriff’s office investigators who tried to take him into custody last January.

Under the conditions of his release, Wilbourn lived with his girlfriend and her father at the father’s home, and he was required to stay in that house around the clock under terms of his release.

At some point in time, Wilbourn’s girlfriend called her father and warned him to get out of the house, telling him that Wilbourn had a 30-round magazine of ammunition and had threatened to shoot police if they showed up.

Her father took his dog and left his home, then contacted the sheriff’s department, asking them to remove Wilbourn from his home because he was revoking consent for him to stay there. As the father spoke to Chicago police in front of his home, Wilbourn exited from the back door.

Sheriff’s investigators followed a GPS signal emitted from Wilbourn’s ankle monitor and found him as he drove through a South Side neighborhood in the early evening. Investigators attempted to effect a stop and followed Wilbourn down a dead-end ally, prosecutors said.

Upon stopping the car, Wilbourn told his girlfriend that he loved her and warned her to duck. He exited the vehicle and started running, shooting at investigators as her ran away.

Four of the shots struck one of the sheriff’s vehicles, however no officers were injured. Officers returned fire, with at least one bullet striking Wilbourn, who despite falling to the ground continued shooting at officers. A 9mm handgun with a high-capacity magazine was recovered at the scene.

Wilbourn was hospitalized for a time and was charged with three counts of attempted murder of a peace officer and armed habitual criminal. His bond was set at $3 million; the judge, Maryam Ahmad also ordered him held without bail for violating the terms of his release for four pending felony sex cases.

He had been arrested in January 2019 and charged with multiple counts of aggravated criminal sexual assault and aggravated criminal sexual abuse. Several of the allegations involved victims under the age of 18; others included allegations of sexual assault while threatening the victim’s life, court records showed.

He was initially held without bail, but later on, Judge Carol Howard released him after he posted 10% of a $300,000 bond. He was also placed under electronic monitoring.


*Source: Felon released from jail without bond stabs man 30 times in Chicago

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