Fauci stumped on national TV | Principia Scientific Intl.

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Written by Tom Woods

Yesterday I showed you the numbers for Texas. They look good. I had a whole bunch of people write to ask me for the source of the graph. I told them the answer: the Financial Times. They say that without the source, their friends wouldn’t believe them.

In a way that’s encouraging: it means that their friends are at a loss to account for reality. The best they can do is: I don’t trust your source! Because if the source is correct, then their lockdown religion is in for a severe challenge.

What I also told some people who wrote to me was: nobody disputes that Texas’s numbers are falling. Dr. Fauci himself addressed it on MSNBC just the other day! So your friends who refuse to believe you are completely out to lunch.

Now recall when Biden COVID adviser Andy Slavitt appeared on MSNBC two months ago. He was asked why Florida has a lower death rate than most states despite having no state-level restrictions, while California, with tons of restrictions, is only slightly better (and even that slight difference is entirely accounted for by California’s much younger population).

I remember wondering to myself: maybe the so-called experts really do have a plausible-sounding explanation for this, even if it’s nevertheless false.


Slavitt was reduced to this: “Look, there’s so much of this virus that we think we understand, that we think we can predict, that’s just a little bit beyond our explanation.

Translation: we’ve got nothing.

Of course, he went on to say that “we know” that the more people “mask and social distance,” the quicker the virus goes away and the less it spreads.

In fact, we “know” no such thing. Graph the results any way you like: lockdown stringency, people’s mobility patterns, mask mandate dates, whatever. The results are completely random. They absolutely do not show a clear pattern whereby ruining your life solves the problem. Not to mention: the very California/Florida comparison the anchor was asking him about clearly contradicted this claim, but Slavitt just repeated it robotically anyway.

Well, Dr. Fauci just had his own Slavitt moment, also on MSNBC.

At this point the ridiculous predictions have been so far off that even MSNBC is asking Fauci about them. Wasn’t Texas supposed to be a disaster?

Fauci’s response: “It can be confusing, because…often you have to wait a few weeks before you see the effect.

It’s been a month, Dr. Fauci.

And then this: “I’m not really quite sure. It could be they’re doing things outdoors.

That’s it. That’s all he has.

Things repeatedly happen the opposite of how he predicts, and he has nothing.

One silver lining to emerge from all the craziness:

Some parents aren’t sending their kids back to the indoctrination factories, ever. (Schools are another issue Fauci was wrong about, by the way.)

Now that’s a “new normal” I can live with.


Article Source: Fauci stumped on national TV | Principia Scientific Intl.


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