Fauci Desperately Wants to Rollout Vaccine Passports

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(Natural News) Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared in a recent interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. As usual, Stephanopoulos asked no serious questions and went along with every controlling suggestion that Fauci made, while prodding viewers to obey the expert and follow his data.

Fauci took his usual authoritarian approach, advising Americans to get the covid vaccines as soon as they become available. However, Fauci also warned that the vaccines do not “stop the spread” of the virus, and vaccinated people must continue to wear a mask and avoid others even after multiple vaccinations. The control never ends. Submission to fear leads to compliance with abuse, but the ultimate lever of power over American society is yet to be pulled.

Fauci trying to establish the narrative that the vaccines don’t work unless everyone complies

Vaccination was once a promise of individual immunity; now authorities are using vaccination as a threat to take away people’s freedom, a way to control people’s behavior even after they submit to the vaccines, again and again. Fauci and the rest of the vaccine industry are desperately trying to instill a narrative that the vaccines will only work if everyone…


Read full story here: Source: Fauci desperately wants to rollout Vaccine Passports and grant vaccine companies absolute control over your life – NaturalNews.com



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