Fauci Confirms It’s ‘Likely,’ ‘Inevitable’ Everyone Will Need COVID-19 Booster Shot

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Well here ya go, line up for your 3rd inoculation! Then a 4th and a 5th and a 6th, and on and on it will go if we don’t just say NO to the jab! Please people, I beg of you to wake up and realize what’s happening in our country and around the world.

Below is an article from The Epoch Times about Fraudi all but verifying everyone will need their booster inoculation…

White House COVID-19 advisor Anthony Fauci said that it is “likely” and “inevitable” that people will need a COVID-19 vaccine booster shot, coming as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is scheduled to meet on Friday to discuss the possibility of giving additional doses to certain individuals.

“It’s likely that that will happen at some time in the future,” Fauci told CBS News on Thursday when he was asked if everyone will need a booster shot in the future. Several days earlier, he and other officials said the booster shots will only be recommended for immunocompromised individuals.

“When it does get to a certain level, we will be prepared to give boosters to those people, but from what you just said a moment ago, it is imminent that we will be giving it to immune-compromised” individuals, he added, appearing to suggest that he shifted the goalposts on the booster shots because COVID-19 data is being followed in real-time.

In a separate interview on Thursday with NBC News, Fauci further added that “inevitably, there will be a time when…

Read full story here: Fauci Confirms It’s ‘Likely,’ ‘Inevitable’ Everyone Will Need COVID-19 Booster Shot

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